Chapter 7 : At His Home

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" he was upset and angry at himself. He doubted on her, the only love of his life. How could he do that to her. He was supposed to wiped her tears but he made her cry. Her teary face comes in front of his eyes and he felt more guilty.) Damn... why this plot has to be similar as my life. I can literally feel from what he is going now." Randhir groaned at the stupid book which he was reading for her now.

"Awww... you guys are so twinnie." She said pulling his cheeks and he swatted her hands annoyingly.

"Stop it. I'm not reading this shit again. How can you love this shit?" He said rolling his eyes and she slapped his shoulder.

"Shut up, Shekhawat. Don't ever call this a shit." She said glaring at him.

"I'll call it shit. It's too similar." He said with a pout.

"It's not. He thought that his wife cheated on him. But ours is different. So just smile." She said squeezing his palm.

Just then Tylor enters with a food basket and hands to him. He goes from there and Sanyu rubbed her hand on her stomach.

"I'm so hungry." She said smelling the food and he chuckled before serving her in a plate.

After a few minutes,

"Ok that's enough. I can't eat anymore." Sanyu said pushing the spoon.

"What? Sanyukta, you just ate like an ant. God knows ant eat or not. You're going to finish this or I'll tell the doctor not to discharge you in two days." He said with a smirk and she pinched his arms with a frown.

"Fine. Feed me." She said twisting her lips and he continued to feed her.

"I like when you behave like a good girl." He said feeding her and she smack on his hand.

"This food is good but I was hoping that you would get me burger and fries." She said eating  from his hand.

"They're super unhealthy food and this is homemade food and my mother cook for us. I let go in the morning because of our kids. You won't getting unhealthy food anymore." He scolded her like a child and she twisted her lips.

"God!!!! I missed my kids. I wish I could keep them with me for longer time. This man will be death for me." She said grumpily and he glared at her.

He put the bowl aside and then he gave her medicines and she drank silently.

"What about Rayna and Shaurya? They had their food?" She asked with worry.

"You want to face time them. Let me call my mom." He said dialing a call to his mother.

"Wait... I'm not ready to talk to your mother. Please... also we're not in a relationship. It's still unnamed." She pleaded him but he nods his head in assurance.

"Hey mom... are you good?" He asked smiling and she heard a beautiful voice.

"I'm good. How is Sanyukta?" She asked smiling back at him.

"She is better now. Where are my kids?" He asked looking for them.

"They're here. Princess, Prince, come here babies. Your mom and dad wants to talk to you." She called them and they comes running to her.

She gave them her mobile and they chatted for some time. After wishing them good night she hang up and gave his mobile back to him.

"Oh fuck... I forgot to inform my friends. They must be worried about me. I'm sure they had been at my home but it's locked and what the fuck? Where is my mobile?" She screamed all of sudden and he got starlet a bit.

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