Chapter 19 : Birthday Plans

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Six Months Later

Randhir was sleeping on his stomach and he felt a kiss on his bare back. He flipped on his back and get the hold of the beautiful source of his life.

"Good morning, my love." He said opening his eyes.

"Good morning." She said kissing his lips and he deepens the kiss.

"Aren't you up too early?" He asked caressing her bare waist.

"No, we have to go on work. It's already 8.30 of the morning. Wake up, mister." She said biting his nose.

"Damn... I missed my school days. Rayna and Shaurya got their Christmas vacation and here, we have to work on our ass." He said rolling his eyes and she chuckled.

"Stop getting jealous of them. Do you remember, it's his birthday after two days. On 4th December. " She said with a smile.

"I do remember and also remember Rayna's birthday after six days of his. We'll throw huge parties for them. What's say?" He asked excitedly.

"Or we can celebrate with mom, dad, my friends and your friends. We don't have to throw huge parties to spoil them. You know...the thing I want to do for our kids that I don't want to spoil them for expensive things or toys or anything. I want them to value the money we earn for them. Yes, everything belongs to them but they need to learn to value it. I don't want them to show off the wealth or their star lifestyle. I want them to be aware of one thing that you don't always get what you demand. If they value money then they'll never give up in any situations. They need to learn about humanity and to respect elders. So we can just throw a small party including only our close ones." She said thinking deeply and he smiled at her thoughts.

"You know Sanyukta. You're the best thing happened in my life. You're an amazing mother to our babies. And I'm madly in love with you." He said kissing her forehead.

"I love you too. And I'm lucky to have you in my life." She said holding his face and kissed his lips.

She moaned in his mouth as he kisses her harder. He tasted every corner of her mouth and sucked her tongue. His hand roamed on her chest and gives a light squeeze to her right breast. She pulled his hair and pushed her tongue in his mouth licking every corner of his mouth. He again took the charge and explored her mouth. His lips moved toward her neck and she moaned in pain as he gave a bite there. He sooth it later by dropping his saliva and sucked her softly. His lips travel to her throat and sucked there. He again kissed her lips passionately and she responded to him with equal passion. They broke the kiss breathless.

"Ride me, love." He whispered in her ear and sucked there.

She moved down and guided his manhood in her core. She held his shoulder and he rested his hands on either sides of her waist. She starts moving up and down on his cock. He held her breasts and squeezed them making her moan. Soon she increased her pace and started riding his cock faster and harder. He was also responding to her pushing himself more in her holding her hips. He held her hips and lifted her little to make her jump faster on his cock. They moaned with intensity and she rides harder with his help. Her pussy clenched and she cum hard on his cock then hugs him tightly. He fucked her hard for a few minutes and his juice mixed with her. He flipped her and comes above her making her laugh.

"I'm going to late because of you, woman." He said nuzzling his nose in her neck.

"Do you regret getting late?" She asked pulling his face.

"I don't because I'm the boss. And I've a beautiful reason to get late." He said smooching her lips and she smiled.

"I love you." She said between the kiss and he kisses her deeply.

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