Chapter 11 : Date Night

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Sanyu grasped his hand as the doctor removed her casts and checked her wound.

"Ms. Agrawal, it's healed. You don't need this casts anymore. However, the wound was deep so you need to be careful while walking. Do run behind the kids because that will put pressure on your leg. Mr. Shekhawat, make sure when she goes to bathroom; always a person to stand by her. The bathroom floor might be slippery and a small accident can cause more trouble for her. Also, she needs to be careful while entering the kitchen. Basically, just make sure she don't fall again." The doctor advises them.

"Don't worry, Doc. I'll take care of everything. And I'll call you if anything serious happens. Thank you so much." Randhir said shaking hands with him.

"My pleasure. I'm always a call away." The doc said.

After half hour, they comes out of the hospital and he helped her in sitting in the car. He asked Tylor to drove to his house.

"No.. wait. Tylor, take me my home." Sanyu said this he stops the car and looked at Randhir confusingly.

"Out..." Randhir mouthed thus he goes out of the car.

"What happened?" She asked him.

"You tell me, what happened to you? Do you not like at my home?" He asked with worry.

"No, it's not like that Randhir. I like your home. It just... now I'm fine so I want to stay in my house." She replied calmly.

"But why? We're in good terms now. Our babies loves each other company. They will be sad if you separate them. And I also like staying with you. Can't you move in with me?" He asked holding her face and she smiled at him.

"You're such a beautiful soul Randhir. But I want to stay in my home. When I was pregnant, at that time I didn't have a place to live so I work hard for it. And I bought this house. I want to live in that house which I bought by my hard work. I love staying with you but I don't want my house to become a horror bungalow. Please, try to understand." She said looking in his sad eyes.

"Ok. Do whatever you like." He said looking out and called Tylor back in the car.

"Where to?" Tylor asked.

"To her home." He mouthed coldly.

Tylor drove to her home but the journey was silent. He stopped the car and got out of it. Sanyukta had a lot of things going in her mind but she felt hard to explain him.

"Randhir, will you listen to me?" She asked placing her hand on his thigh.

He just hmm in response and she forcefully made him look at her.

"We can do one thing. Since, our kids can't live without each other. You and Shaurya can stay with me for some days. After that, I and Rayna comes to your house to stay with you both. We can continue this until we finds ourselves." She said softly and he thinks about her idea which wasn't actually bad.

"And after that?" He asked still not showing any emotions.

"Randhir, I like you. I want to stay with you forever but I don't want to rush in things. I want to experience everything of relationship. I want to go on dates with you. I want to dance on streets with you. I want to attend parties as your girlfriend. I want to cook for you as a girlfriend. I want to have movie night with you. I want to go to your office and surprise you. I want to go on shopping with you. I want to live every little thing of life with you. We may be good parents for our kids but we're man and woman. We also deserve happiness. Please..." She said with moist eyes and he hold her face.

"Hey... I'm sorry for not understanding you. You know... you made realized that I've also missed every bit of life in parenting Shaurya. I don't regret having him. You're right. I also want to be the boyfriend who spoiled his girlfriend. But it's not going to work like this." He said wiping her tears.

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