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Three Years Later

Jasper enters her office and she looked up from her laptop.

"Hey, Jasp. What's up?" Sanyu said.

"Ms. Nancy Thomas and Mr. Austin Mitchell  is here." Jasper said.

"Then get them here." Sanyu said thus he goes from there.

He cane back with a couple and she greeted them.

"Is my dress ready?" Nancy asked.

"Yes. Come with me. I'll show you." Sanyu replied.

They followed her to the dressing room and Sanyu showed her wedding dress.

"It looks beautiful. See, Austin." Nancy said grinning widely.

"It is. You did an amazing work Mrs. Shekhawat." Austin praised her.

"Thank you, Mr. Mitchell. Ms. Nancy you can try this." Sanyu said pointing at the trial room.

Nancy took the dress and goes to the trial room.

"Please, have a seat Mr. Mitchell." Sanyu said showing him a chair.

"Thank you, Mrs. Shekhawat. How's your husband doing?" He asked sitting there.

"You know my husband and I'm not even surprised. He is doing well. I still wants to ask how do you know him?" Sanyu asked with a smile.

"He is my friend and business partner." He replied with a chuckle.

Just then her mobile rings and her smile grew brighter reading the caller name.

"Where are you? I'm at your office." Randhir said looking around for her.

"Come inside." She said looking at the entrance.

Randhir enters and hugs her tightly. He was gone on a business trip for a week and directly came to see her from the airport.

"I missed you." He mumbled inhaling her fragrance after long time.

"I missed you too. How's your trip?" She asked breaking the hug.

"It's good and boring without you and the kids." He replied claiming her lips and kisses her passionately but she pushes him and placed her hand on his mouth.

"We've a guest here." She said eyeing at the right side.

He looked at the right side and see very familiar face.

"Hello, Ron." Austin said with a smirk.

"No fucking way. I didn't wanted my friends to witnessed our private moments." He mumbled walking to him with smile.

"You and your wife have been over the media. It's not new." Austin said shaking hand with him and they hugs each other.

The door gets open and Nancy comes out of the room. They looked at her and Austin mesmerized seeing her in wedding dress. He walked to her and touched her cheek.

"How do I look?" She asked shyly.

"Gorgeous. You look beautiful." He replie touching her cheek.

"My wifu is exceptional. I'm always proud of you." Randhir said pulling Sanyu closer and kisses her forehead.

"It's not done yet." She said coming out of his grip and goes from there.

"Just a minute Mr and Mrs. Mitchell." Sanyu said interrupting them and tied a satin belt around her waist.

After an hour

Randhir and Sanyukta enters their room. He pushes her to the wall and kissed her lips. She smiled between the kiss and caressed his arms. He gripped her waist with one hand while the other reached to her nape and deepen the kiss. Her hands moved to his head and got tangled in his hair. His tongue rolled over her lips and licked them sensually while she clutched his hair. He asked for entrance but she didn't give him and he squeezed her waist in frustration thus she open her mouth. His tongue collides with her and bites her later licked it softly. He roamed his tongue in her mouth and tasted each corner making her mouth. They felt out of breath and drifted apart panting hard. He pecked her lips numerous time and she giggled at his naughtiness.

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