Chapter 5 : Hurt and Scared

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Sanyu blows the air and fed him while he ate without showing any tantrums. She continued fed him while mumbling some sweet words to him. She made him drink water.

"Now do you feel better?" She asked looking at his face and he nodded his head.

"Do you want to go out and play with Princess?" She again asked.

"Princess is here. I want to play with her." He mumbled in low voice.

"Ok then let's give you bath first." She said walking into the bathroom and got surprised seeing a huge bathroom.

She checked the water and filled the bathtub with warm water. She removed his clothes and placed him in the tub. After the bubble bath he looked all fresh and better. She wrapped in a towel and come out of the bathroom. She put him on the bed and kissed his cheek.

"You're cute. Do you know where your clothes is?" She asked thus he pointed at the glass door.

She nods her head and went there. She enters the closet and started looking for his clothes. The most of rack filled with his father's clothes but finally she finds his clothes. She grabs a t-shirt and shorts then comes out of the closet. She wiped his hair and made him wear the clothes.

"Wow... someone looking handsome." She teased him and he blushed.

He wrapped his hands around her neck and kissed her cheek. She lifted him in her arms and walked out of the room. She went into the playroom and Rayna squealed seeing him.

"Shaurya...." She clapped her hands.

Sanyu placed him down and he ran to her. Randhir was surprise seeing Shaurya who looked fresh and good now. Sanyu looked at them with a smile and averted her gaze toward him who was already looking at her. She quickly went from there.

"Are you feeling better now?" Randhir asked checking his temperature which was normal now.

"Good. Mamma helped me a lot." He replied going back to Rayna and continued to play with her.

Mamma... when did she become his mother?

He let them play and come out to search her. He found her at the rooftop and went there. He cleared his throat and she looked at him.

"Thanks for taking care of my son." He mouthed thus she nods her head.

"No need. It's fine by me." She mumbled averting her gaze.

"By the way nice trick you played. I should expect this from you." He said thus she quickly looked at him in shock.

"Excuse me. What nonsense you're speaking?" She asked with a frown.

"Don't be so innocent, Sanyukta. My son is calling you mamma. Why so?" He asked narrowing his eyes and she starred at him in disbelief.

"He is sick and needed mother's warmth that's why when he called me mamma I didn't say anything to him. He was probably not in his sense." She snapped at him.

"I believe so. I can see you're clearly mesmerize by seeing my house. Who wouldn't dream of living in such house?" He mocked her in cold tone.

"You know what? You're certified arrogant jerk. Fuck your money in your ass. You won't see me and my daughter in this house anymore. I had enough of your shit." She said angrily and went from there.

She enters the playroom and picked up Rayna in her arms.

"We're leaving now." She said kissing Shaurya's forehead.

"But I want to play more with Shaurya." Rayna said struggling in her arms.

"I've got some important work. Say bye to Shaurya." Sanyu said softly and she pouted sadly.

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