Chapter 10 : Sharing His Pain

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They stayed in each other arms while she was waiting for him to opens his mouth.

"Her name is Ishika. We met in a business party and due to my business with her father, we came closer. We oftne used to met in parties and one day she proposed me. I don't have any reason to reject her so I accepted it. We got married eventually. We were good together. I knew that she was money minded but I have always ignored her that side thinking that no one is perfect. But when she got pregnant with my baby I caught her having sex with some random man. And she accepted that it's not the first time she cheated on me. More than hurt, I was worried for my child. I warned her that if any by chance she hurt my baby then I would killed her. I gave her divorce but kept her in front of my eyes to keep my baby safe. Then, she gave birth to Shaurya and I took him away from her. Later, I also found that she was pregnant before and killed the fetus two time. Can you believe it?" He said with rage in his voice.

"Oh my God!!! How can she do that?" She asked shockingly.

"But she did. I know as a woman, she has right what's she wants to do with her body but that babies were part of me. She would have asked about my opinion too. She could've talked to me but she had to ruin it." He said in disbelief.

"What she did was wrong but one thing is bugging me. Are you sure that the babies were yours which she killed? She had been cheating on you for so song." She said stating facts.

"I.. fuck... I never think that way. All I think that she aborted my babies." He said sighing and she looked up to him.

"That's because you're too good. I don't know why did she cheated on you? You're so beautiful." She said kissing his chin and he rolled his eyes.

"Beautiful? Damn... beautiful word is for girls. I'm handsome." He said with a frown and she giggled.

"Yes, you're handsome but... here, you're beautiful. It's not all about gender. I didn't praised your outside look. I praised your heart which is beautiful. I praised your soul which is beautiful. I praised your character which is pure and beautiful." She said kissing his nose.

"Sanyukta, why you didn't got me before?" He asked looking in her eyes.

"May be because destiny was writing our pathways that led us to each other. And now we're here." She said kissing his chest.

He gently flipped her and put half of his weight on hers.

"What you're doing to me, Sanyukta? I have never felt for her the way I feel for you. I'm scared of losing you." He said touching his forehead with hers.

"The same thing applies to you. I don't see you as a father of my children anymore. I see you as a man to whom I want to cherish forever." She said with a small smile.

Their lips brushed against each other and theirhot breath collied. Slolwy their lips gets mingled and sucked each other lips. Her hands tangled in his hair and pulled him closer. He smooched her lips and kisses her deeper. She opens her mouth and he roamed his tongue tasting every corner of her mouth. Their tongue tangled and they sucked the moisture of each other's mouth. They kisses each other until they fell out of breath and pulled apart panting hard. They opens their eyes and smiled at each other.

"My story, some other day. Good night, papa Shekhawat." She said kissing his eyes and he chuckled.

"Good night, Mamma Agrawal." He said nibbling her lips last time.

He rolled beside her and snuggled her in his arms. They closes their eyes and fell into deep slumber.


Next Morning

Sunrays spreads in her room and she nuzzles her face more in his neck. It's safest place for her and she can live forever in these arms.

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