Chapter 40 : Forever Happy

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Delivery Month

Sanyu opens her eyes and slowly sits on the bed. She rested her back on the headboard and placed her hand on her fully grown baby bump.

"Good morning, baby." She mumbled rubbing it.

She grabbed her mobile and called Renuka for help. They're moved to his parent's house. Renuka had been taking care of her like her own daughter. She was helping her in bathing, dressing or anything. It's not like Randhir don't help her but he had been handling the kids these day.

"What do you want to wear?" Renuka asked making her sits on the couch.

"I don't want to wear too heavy clothes. I want to wear Randhir's shirt and one of my lose shorts." She replied with a sighs.

Sanyukta was having trouble from past one week. Sometimes at night she felt shortages of breath, constipation and frequent urination. There are chances of her getting through C-section. That's the reason they're extra careful toward her.

"What do you want eat?" Renuka asked as they comes out of the room.

"Umm... spicy chhole and puri with nimbu aachar (lemon pickle)." Sanyu said licking her lips and Renuka chuckled.

"I'm getting vibes that there is another boy inside you. You've been eating spicy food a lot." Renuka said ruffling her hair.

"Did you craved for spicy food when you're pregnant with Randhir?" Sanyu asked sitting on the sofa.

"Yes. I troubled Harsh a lot. You sit here. I'll be back." Renuka said and goes to the kitchen.

Sanyu felt a hard kick and caressed her baby bump.

"Hey, baby. I hope you're fine. Mamma is worried for you." She said and felt another kick.

"What mother and baby are talking?" Randhir asked sitting beside her and she leaned her head on his chest.

"Where are my babies?" She asked entwinning their fingers.

"They're with dad." He replied kissing her fingers.

"I'm worried, Randhir. What if som.."

"Ssh.. don't say anything. You and our baby will be fine." He said kissing her forehead.

"Thank you." She mumbled resting her head on his chest.

"No need. It's my duty to take care of you." He said caressing her hair.

After few minutes Renuka came and put the tray in front of her. Sanyu pushes him and smelled her favorite food.

"Wow... chhole. It looks delicious, mom." Randhir said and about to touch it but she slapped his hand away.

"This is for my daughter." Renuka mouthed.

"I'm your son too." He said rolling his eyes and she glared him.

"You're so dramatic. Just like your dad." Renuka mocked him.

"He is nowhere like me." Harsh said coming there with Rayna and Shaurya.

"Mamma, I'm hungry." Rayna said sitting in her father's lap.

Shaurya too climbed in his lap and patted Sanyu's baby bump.

"Hey, don't eat that. I'll get you another one. This one too spicy." Renuka said going to the kitchen.

"Dad, why'd said that he is nowhere like you?" Sanyu asked chewing the food.

Renuka comes back and both the kids goes to her.

"He is just jealous of his own son." Renuka said thus Harsh glared at her.

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