Chapter 17 : Always with You

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Sanyu stirred in sleep and opens her eyes. She felt something strange in her body and realized it's pain of pleasure.

"Good morning, beautiful."

She heard his voice and met with his eyes. He leaned to her and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning. What's the time?" She asked caressing his stubble.

"12.17. It's almost noon." He replied with a smile and she sits up with his help.

"I slept a lot. When did you woke up and why did you not woke me up?" She asked frowning and he pulls her closer in his arms.

"I just woke up an hour ago and I didn't feel like to broke your beauty sleep. Also, I tired you a lot last night. How're you feeling?" He asked running his hand between her legs and rubbed her core.

"I'm fine. It's not paining that much. Last night was amazing. We did it many times." She said resting her head on his chest.

"What is it we did? Name it." He asked mischievously and she looked up glaring at him.

"I'm not answering it. You know what we did." She said pouting and try to come out of his grip but tightens his hold around her.

"Answer me, baby. Or I won't let you go." He said sucking her earlobe and piched her core.

"You're so mean and arrogant. Let me go." She frowned at him.

"That I'm but you aren't going anywhere without answering me." He said kissing her neck and thoroughly rubbing his hand on her core.

"Ok. Fine. You win. We had sex many times last night. Now let me go. I'm really hungry." She said trying not to blush in front of him.

"Yeah. I'm hungry too. Come on, ride my face. I want to eat your thick sweet juice." He said mischievously and she pushes him hard coming out of his grip.

"You're so fucking shameless, Shekhawat. How can you be so shameless?" She said throwing pillow on his face and ran into the bathroom.

He laughed loudly rolling on the bed and she blushed hard hearing his laughter. She just can't deal with this shameless man. He got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom.

"Come on, baby. Finish your business fast. I'm so damn hungry." He said banging on the door.

"Just fucking go away, Randhir. I'm not coming out anysoon. You're so shameless." She shouted back feeling shy.

He just chuckled shaking his head and goes into the closet. He wore his trouser and goes downstairs in the kitchen.


Sanyu comes out of the bathroom and sighs in relief not finding him in the room. She goes to the closet and pulled out his white shirt. She wore her bra and panty then slides his shirt. She dried her hair and applied lotion. Then she downstairs and searched for him. She heard voice coming out of the kitchen and goes there. She stood at the door and saw him cooking food. He was only in his trouser and looking all sexy. She was still shy but couldn't stop herself from drooling over him. After all, he is her man and she can drool him forever.

"Are you done? I was waiting for you only. Come here." He said breaking her trance.

She slowly walked to him and stood close to him.

"Do you need help?" She asked biting her inner cheeks.

"No, today you're at my mercy so I don't need your help. You'll just let me do my work without any complain." He said lifting her up and placed her on the slab.

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