Chapter 32 : Back to New York

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Sanyu opens her eyes feeling water on her face and felt tightened around her hands. She tried to move but her hands and legs were tied.

"So you're up?" Alisha said and Sanyu looked at her with red eyes.

"Leave me, bitch. What you're going to do with me?" Sanyu asked loudly.

"Upps... you're just like that bitch. Your mother. She also screamed like this when I killed her." Alisha said patting her cheek.

"You bitch... I know my mother wasn't that weak. She would never leave me." Sanyu screamed at her.

"Oh... damn bitch. You scream so much but not for so long since I'm going to kill you like I killed your mother." Alisha said with a smirk.

Kishor comes from behind and hugs Alisha resting his head on her shoulder.

"What kind of father you are? Don't you feel anything?" Sanyu asked with teary eyes.

"I didn't felt anything for that bitch mother of yours then why would I feel something for you?" Kishor said bluntly.

"What has done this bitch to you? You're always loving husband and father." Sanyu asked.

"I was living lifelessly with your bitch mother and you. Then Alisha came in my life and showed me real motive of my life. She made me enters the politics and helped me a lot. Alisha and I killed your bitch mother so I got some sympathy and become more popular. Alisha is my real love." Kishor said kissing her lips.

"Ohh.. honey... I love you a lot." Alisha said between the kiss.

"You fucking bastard. Can't you see that bitch ruined your happy married life? Are you fucking blind? This mother fucking bitch broke your family." Sanyu roared at them disgusted and they looked at her smiling.

"My Alisha is not bitch. She is sweetest wife ever. She also treated you like her own daughter but in return what did you gives her? This..." Kishor snapped at her and Sanyu laughed.

"What the fuck you're speaking? Daughter? She fucking treated me like a slave. You weren't around us all the time. She made me clean the fucking huge house, washing clothes, washing dirty dishes of her fucking guests, cooking for them... etc. I don't remember what she made me do." Sanyu said with red eyes.

"That's for your better. She wants to make you independent." Kishor shrugged and Sanyu shook her head in disbelief.

"Honey, stop talking. Let's kill her. But not an easy death. We'll give her brutal dead. Right." Alisha said.

"You got saved in that accident but not this time." Kishor said slapping her cheek.

"Y.. you tried to kill me and my baby?" Sanyu asked with shock.

"Yes. You're a disgusting slut who just ruin my name. You and your shit don't deserve to live." Kishor said angrily.

"Honey, don't get angry. Don't burn your blood and energy." Alisha said rubbing his chest and called her men.

Four men comes with their guns and greeted her.

"Free her and remove her clothes. I don't want single piece of cloth on her body." Alisha said sitting on the chair.

"No.. no.. don't do... no please..." Sanyu pleaded crying as two men untied her and made her stands on her feet.

She closed her eyes tightly clutching her arms and let her tears fall more. A second later she felt pulling her hands and sliding something in her hands. She opens her eyes and saw them making her wear bulletproof jacket.

"You're safe, ma'am." The man said shielding her.

"What the fuck you're doing?" Kishor shouted but a man hit him on his head.

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