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Killian wiped his tears as he watched Jonah sleep peacefully in his arms. The little baby he met at three months was now a year old, and he finally understood why his father cried every year on their birthdays.

"Here, baby." Raya whispered as she handed Killian some tissue. "And stop sniffing so hard. You know he's a light sleeper."

"I know." Killian whispered back while wiping his tears away. "My boy is one, man. I can't believe it."

Raya smiled. "And you've given him the best life so far. Look at how peaceful he is."

"Yeah, that's all I want him to have—peace." He said. "And you've played a big part in that. I thank you a lot, mamas."

"Anything for the babies." Raya replied as she kissed both Killian and Jonah on the cheeks. "We should take a nap with him before we have to get up and get ready for this party."

It was currently seven in the morning. Jonah woke them up around six because he wanted one of them to get him even though he was fine sleeping in his crib.

"Yeah, you're right." Killian sighed. "We might as well keep him in here with us."

They laid down and Jonah snuggled close to Killian. He kissed Jonah's forehead and wished he could be this small forever.


"You okay?" Salah asked.

Jaxon sighed and nodded. "Yeah, c'mon."

The two of them got out of the car and walked towards the building. Jaxon opened the door and allowed Salah to walk in first. Everyone looked over and was surprised to see Jaxon—even more surprised to see him with a girl.

Jonah began to scream as he tried to break free from Cynthia's arms. She placed him on his feet and Jonah walked to Jaxon as quickly as he could.

"Hey, nep. I missed you, man." Jaxon said, kissing Jonah's forehead. Jonah smiled as he rested his head on his favorite uncle's shoulder.

"Jaxon, I thought you weren't coming!" Killian said as he pulled his youngest brother in a hug.

"I couldn't let my nephew down." Jaxon replied.

Killian chuckled and turned to Salah. "You spoke some sense into him?"

Jaxon sucked his teeth. "Go head on, man. This was all me. She's here for support. This is my girl Salah. Salah, this is my oldest brother Killian."

"Yo girl, huh?" Killian questioned. "You can just call me Kill, mamas. It's nice to meet you."

Salah smiled. "Nice to meet you too."

Jonah sat up and looked at Salah with a smile on his face. "Nah, chill." Jaxon told the baby as he placed him on his feet which made both Salah and Killian laugh. "Go head on."

Jonah whined a bit as he walked over to Kennedi knowing she was going to get on whoever hurt his feelings.

"Let me go around and introduce her to everybody." Jaxon said as he grabbed Salah's hand.

Jaxon went around and introduced Salah to his entire family. Salah immediately fell in love with Heather because she didn't look a day over twenty-five, and neither did Amaru. The Kings had good genes.

"He is definitely pinning her ass." Mya said to Heather.

"He sure is." Heather replied. "Lord, my baby boy is not a baby anymore."

"Uh—oh, here comes Chocolate." Mya said as she chugged her Bacardi Zombie. "I need something stronger than this."

Lennox rubbed her round belly as she and Brandon walked over to the gift table. Meanwhile, Jaxon was fixing plates for himself and Salah, not paying attention to his surroundings.

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