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The next month was filled with traveling and parties, people and shopping, and a sharing of memories and knowledge. Sekhmet had planned the transition from her last host well and Tessa was never tied to the murder of the woman (Lora, Tessa was informed) so there were no issues with continuing to use her new host's name and identification. Sekhmet also wanted to create enough of a trail to follow when Tessa's family eventually sought her out. It was clear this was a carefully followed plan that Sekhmet had repeated often and Tessa only hoped that her parents, two older sisters, and younger brother would give up quickly so no harm would come to them if they should ever catch up to her.

Tessa had learned quickly over the last several weeks that while Sekhmet was intelligent and witty and often good company, she was also a killer and more than a bit unhinged at times. The memories Sekhmet shared had been both breathtaking and horrifying. She had seen great moments in history and all the wonders of the world, but she'd also committed countless atrocities. Her depravity seemed to have no boundaries and she took distinct pleasure in the pain of others, but she was charming and cunning and her insight into Tessa's thoughts allowed her to distract the girl with beautiful memories or knowledge not yet gained by the rest of her planet. Tessa soon realized this was her weakness. Her love of learning and the youthful desire for adventure allowed her to move past far too many of Sekhmet's evils.

As Tessa learned more of the Goa'uld, she came to realize that the relationship she had with Sekhmet was not the norm, as usually the symbiote took full control and did not interact with the host's mind. Sekhmet had been alone for thousands of years, though, and was growing bored with the life of excess she'd led. There was another form of goa'uld known as the Tok'ra who considered themselves a good within their species. Sekhmet spoke of them as traitors and disgust always rose up in Tessa's chest whenever they were mentioned, but apparently they shared the body of the host. It was a mutual and symbiotic relationship that had made Sekhmet curious as her own loneliness had grown. Of course, the goa'uld wasn't willing to really share control of Tessa's body, but she did seem to be enjoying the dialogue the two minds had developed.

It wasn't enough, though. Tessa should have seen right away that it wouldn't be, but she was caught up in Sekhmet's exciting lifestyle and interesting past. Sekhmet wanted a companion, not just in traveling and shopping, but in her need for power. She wasn't looking for someone to balance her out, but someone to revel with her in destruction and chaos and pain.

Tessa could feel a wickedness begin to spread through her mind and body. She worked to keep it out of her little corner, but it seeped into her until even her muscles relaxed into its druglike influence. Sekhmet settled into the familiarity of it like she was coming home after too long away. She breathed deeper and Tessa knew this was Sekhmet taking over her body completely. It no longer belonged to Tessa in any real way. Her mannerisms, the way she walked and talked, had all disappeared as Sekhmet expanded into every cell of her new body.

And then the murders began.

But not just murders. Tessa felt she could have dealt with simple quick killings like she had witnessed with the last host, but Sekhmet generally liked to take her time and unfortunately in this case, she had not simply been the goddess of war, but of healing as well. Though she had lost much of her race's technology over the centuries, she had maintained a hand device that could do some basic healing and its main use for her was to heal her victims enough to withstand her torture longer. Had she held onto some of the more advanced devices, she would have been able to kill and revive them repeatedly. In fact, that was precisely what she had done before her sarcophagus had been destroyed in a not too distant war.

Most victims were men easily lured away from bars after too many drinks and promises of further fun. Sekhmet's strength meant they were subdued easily, but she would patiently wait until they were sober enough to fully feel the pain she would inflict. Killings would take days sometimes and Tessa grew numb to the many screams, all blurring together as she tried to close the eyes that no longer belonged to her. Her retreat further into the last parts she possessed angered Sekhmet, but Tessa had begun to shut down. She sensed that she was the true target of the torture and killings, but it did not have the effect Sekhmet desired and Tessa stopped seeing the world outside her own small corner.

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