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Stargate: The Ark of Truth (bold)

Arriving back at the SGC the next day, Kevin joined back up with the team he'd been assigned to after he'd requested a transfer from Atlantis when Nes had been captured by Ba'al. Nes, meanwhile, worked to track down the general to bug him about clone hunting.

She ran into Daniel first, who let her know that they hadn't found the artifact they'd been hunting on Dakara. Instead, they were attacked by the Ori, killed a Prior, and managed to turn one of the commanders to their side.

"So who is this Tomin guy?" Nes asked with a confused look. The name sounded familiar, but she couldn't place it.

"Well, when Vala was sent to the Ori galaxy and realized she was pregnant, she quickly married Tomin to try to pass the baby off as his."

"He's Vala's husband?!"

"Technically, yeah, but...I don't know. It's complicated. Talk to Vala about it."

"I will." Nes jumped onto the elevator with a wave goodbye. She headed down to General Landry's office, hoping she'd catch him at a free and agreeable moment.

"General, you know that I would be a big help to anyone hunting the clones." She'd found him outside the control room and had launched right into her request. "I did kill the real Ba'al, after all. A few times, actually. Plus more clones than anyone else around here."

"It's not that I think you don't have anything to offer to the effort, Nes, but I'm not sure how much of a team player you are."

"I'm a great team player." She hunted around for anyone to back up that claim, finding Cam who had appeared around the corner. "Right, Cam? How about our little fun with the Lucian Alliance? I was an excellent team player then."

"Umm...well, yeah...I mean, sir, she did help out."

"I even listened to orders when Cam told me we had to go."

Cam crossed his arms. "I believe I threw you onto the ring platform actually."

Nes crossed her own arms in response. "But I let you."

The general sighed. "I'll think about it." He turned his attention to Mitchell. "What have you learned, Colonel?"

"According to Tomin," Cam said as he and the general walked through the control room, Nes following behind, "the Ori crusade is planning to send a new wave of ships through the Supergate sometime soon. A coordinated attack on Earth may be imminent."

Nes was already halfway through an escape plan before she remembered she wasn't going to just run off anymore.

"That's a little non-specific," General Landry said with some exasperation.

"Yes, sir. I suspect the Priors release details on a need-to-know basis."

"Shame you didn't find the real Ark."

"Yes, sir. But not for lack of trying."

As the three of them made their way up the stairs to the briefing room, Cam gave Nes a look that suggested she should probably be on her way. She simply acted confused and continued on, though. Without a direct order from the general, she wasn't going to miss this conversation.

"No other useful intelligence?"

"Well, at the moment, Tomin is coming to grips with the fact that he's devoted his life to serving false gods."

Nes had seen enough men and women go through that experience to know it was no easy task. The shock, the grief, the shame. It was amazing any of them survived the shift to their world.

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