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The withdrawal was even worse this time, since Nes' body had not yet fully recovered before being captured by Ba'al. Beyond the physical ramifications that she was later told nearly killed her, the mental effects were substantial and she felt Sekhmet's old presence begin to seep into her body much like Ba'al's acids had. Her mind felt more crowded as Nes attempted to resist the return to her old self, but she found it difficult to care anymore. She felt lighter as she lessened the fight and accepted Sekhmet's calm and power back into herself.

She doubted anyone could see the outward change - her deceptions were too skilled - but she felt the prowl settle on her muscles again. Nes at times would push back, but it was clearly a losing battle at the moment and the truth was...Nes enjoyed feeling strong again, feeling powerful again, feeling confident in how she moved through the world. She had none of the worries she'd been plagued with when Sekhmet's residual control had been imprisoned after Keffler's torture. Now she only wanted freedom again, freedom and the lifestyle of wealth and control she'd enjoyed as a host.

It wasn't difficult to convince everyone to let her go topside for fresh air and shopping, and from there it was easy to simply disappear. They should have been suspicious of her quick recovery, but instead they seemed relieved and she took advantage of their foolishness. She didn't leave a note of any kind, figuring she could always claim another kidnapping as the reason for her absence if she wanted to return.

A trip to her storage unit and a few phone calls later, she was on her way back to the house in Torrelavega. She needed space and hills and views that stretched beyond her vision.


The stone house was just as she'd left it, letting her settle into the space just as Sekhmet had before. She took long walks and ate good food and renewed acquaintances with the locals. She pretended to have friends just as Sekhmet would have done. She imagined this was her real life, but she grew heavier instead of lighter and decided to move on more quickly than she had hoped to.

By the time she arrived at the house just outside of Monaco, her management company had delivered the long range communication sphere she'd requested, but Nes kept it boxed up, unsure what her next step would be. Right now she wanted to mingle with the wealthy and powerful, but first, as Sekhmet always said, first shopping. She spent her days at the beaches and her nights at clubs and casinos and shows and parties. She enjoyed being admired and sought after and she debated back and forth over whether or not to kill. She didn't feel the need like her addiction of the past. She simply wanted to, especially as she grew bored with the elite shells she was surrounded by. They were empty baubles and she began to compare them to the strong substance at the cores of the people she'd spent time with at the SGC.

She grew listless again and moved on again. She tried mountains and beaches, urban and rural, land and water, cold and hot. Nes put on different personas and mingled with different people. She bought clothes and jewelry and cars and boats and houses and an island or two. She acquired old companies and funded new ones. She saw all of the places she wanted to see and some she didn't care at all about. She was accountable only to herself and did only as she pleased.

And she was bored.

She was lonely.

And she understood all the more why Sekhmet had wanted a different relationship with her host. Nes didn't miss not having full control of her own body, but she did miss the conversation she enjoyed with the goa'uld.

Eventually she pulled the communication sphere out of its box and eventually it activated with a message from Ba'al who was intensely annoyed at her silence.

"I have been attempting to reach you for months." His jaw was tight as he reprimanded her.

"I've been busy. Well...I haven't actually, but I've been pretending to be busy. It's really been more like...relaxing."

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