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Nes spent the next few weeks flitting around to spas and houses and drinking herself to sleep each night. Sekhmet was holding on tightly this time and Nes found herself waking up every morning wanting to be in Ba'al's arms, not Kevin's. It was infuriating to have her mind so powerless to steer herself away from the goa'uld's hold, but she also knew that time was her biggest ally. Without Ba'al's presence and influence, Sekhmet would eventually start to fade back to her lesser role, leaving Nes to control her body and emotions again.

A month passed and she was still struggling to stay herself and sober at the same time. She finally beamed herself down to chat with Sam, who always had words of wisdom for her.

After the surprise and a glass of wine, Nes told the other woman what had happened. Sam was sympathetic, trying to help her sort it all out.

"Maybe you just need to spend more time thinking over your time with Elliot, remembering how it felt to be Nes with him."

"It's hard to bring up those memories."

"Well, then tell some of them to me."

Nes narrowed her eyes at her.

"Tell me about when you first saw him," she coaxed.

"You know this story."

"Some of it, but this is for you, not me."

"Right. Vala's going to be upset she missed this."

"I can call her," Sam said a bit too excitedly.

"Fine. Go get her. Meet me at my house. I have more liquor there."

Sam and Vala knocked on her door a half hour later.

"I hear it's story time!" Vala said, clapping her hands together.

"This is for me?" Nes asked skeptically.

"We are more than happy to make the sacrifice." Sam gave her a smile and walked past her into the house and down the hall to the kitchen and family room.

Glasses in hand and a few bottles on the coffee table, the three women found spots on the couches and chairs and Nes began to go over all her time with Kevin, her smile widening and frown deepening with story after story.

The connection point with her friends helped restore her as well, the laughter at her blushing and their comfort at her tears reminded her of her life as Nes. Why had she insisted on being on her own for so long? Why had she thought that friendship would destroy her freedom instead of restoring her to who she wanted to be?

They'd planned ahead for too much drinking and Nes eventually set them up in guest bedrooms when they could all no longer keep their eyes open.

And when Nes woke in the morning, the light streaming in through the windows, she ached for Kevin's arms to hold her, her desire for Ba'al feeling like a distant memory again. Though now her fear of Ba'al was sinking back onto her, as much as she tried to push it away. A quick shower and she still felt like hell, but also like herself again.

"So Kevin's not at the SGC?"

Sam yawned and held out her cup for Nes to pour more coffee for her. "He's on leave seeing his family up in Spokane, Washington."

"Well, good thing you have a quick way to get there," Vala said groggily.

"I can't just show up at his family's house."

"Why not?"

"Well, what if he doesn't want to see me? Then it's awkward and his family would be there."

"Nes, he'll want to see you." Sam gave her a smile of reassurance. "He risked everything to come find you. Fortunately, General Landry was understanding."

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