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Garrett didn't last until the next morning.

It was a pity in some ways, but really, it was better for her to get back to the island before full light. Killing on the boat was by far one of the easiest body disposals and cleanups, simply wrapping him in the cloths she'd brought along to keep blood off the cabin's surfaces. She added enough weight to make sure he'd sink and then just dumped him over the side. Now she looked forward to her bed back at the house and after half of the day was spent sleeping, she was packing and locking up the house.

While she was killing Garrett, she finally decided she would pop in at the SGC before heading back to Princeton. It was easy to book a flight into Denver, and she drove up to Miami to catch the plane, the airport in total chaos as travelers made their way to Christmas destinations. They were going to be slightly surprised to see her in Colorado and she knew she'd get an earful, but she needed some familiarity and people who knew at least her real name.

By the time she arrived at the front gates of the Cheyenne Mountain complex in a cab, she'd already dropped off anything incriminating at Sekhmet's storage unit in town. She'd slipped her lion ring into her purse, though, wanting Sekhmet still close at hand. The soldiers greeted her with pointed weapons - the main guard was new since she'd been back and highly suspicious of the Tessa James look-alike requesting entrance. She was escorted inside once he got a phone call back from the underground base, and then handed off to a very angry Jack at the elevators.

"You're really pushing it, Nes. Where have you been?"

"Everyone's always asking that. If you must know, a beach."

"A beach?"

"Yes. And no, I'm not going to give more details and no, I didn't leave behind any bodies." Technically the truth.

"You can't keep running off."

Nes laughed at that. "I think I've proven that I very well can."

They arrived at General Hammond's office and she had to sit through thirty minutes of lecturing on her behavior before he seemed to realize it was a fairly pointless exercise.

"You're wasting resources watching my every move at Princeton. I can disappear whenever I want."

"I'm not removing the guards and that's final."

Nes shrugged, knowing it really didn't make a difference either way, and Hammond dismissed her. She was escorted to a room on the same floor as her last one and began unpacking some. It had been odd to see snow and Christmas decor everywhere when she'd landed. She'd been off world for the last few Christmases, not even noting the date, and Christmases with Sekhmet had always been spent alone as well. The goa'uld had despised any holidays that encouraged family and togetherness.

Sam stopped by and was also annoyed with her disappearing acts, but she could appreciate the young woman's need to be on her own, especially after her time offworld. As long as bodies didn't start piling up, they would likely cut her some slack. She was too valuable for them to alienate any further.

"Do you want to join us for Christmas?"

"Who's us?" She looked up from placing her clothes in the dresser.

"Colonel O'Neill, Daniel, Teal'c, Janet and Cassandra. My dad might try to make it back, but I'm not sure what he's up to these days."

"Sure. I can help cook."

"You cook?" She crossed her arms in doubt.

"Sekhmet enjoyed cooking quite a lot actually."

"Alright, then. Why don't you come over tonight to help me plan the final details? I'll provide the wine."

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