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Episode 8.10 "Endgame"

Colson did in fact disappear and Nes moved on to other tasks within the former rogue NID operations, but too soon she started to note the effects of another poisoning and she cursed Ba'al - inwardly and outwardly. It was simpler returning to him this time, at least. She chose a planet of Ba'al's that was significantly closer and was relieved that he had done his part in notifying his troops of her expected arrival. They were quick to do her bidding, taking care of her ship and dialing Tartarus at her behest. She was weak - not as significantly as the last time, but Ba'al still sent her off to a sarcophagus immediately. With no ability to find a new host ever, he really would have to take greater care of his future queen.

Their interactions were just as before, him seductive and charming, her encouraging, but cold. He had every confidence in his success in all realms of life, but when word reached their ears of the slaughter of his armies on several worlds, his anger could not be quenched.

"It appears to be the symbiote poison developed by the Tok'ra, Lord Ba'al," his First Prime reported as Nes stood off to the side listening.

"How do you know?" Ba'al's jaw twitched slightly at the mention of the Tok'ra, fury taking over.

"All of your jaffa on those planets are dead with no wounds, no signs of battle, my lord." He kept his body stiff, but Nes could hear the subtle unease in his words. The Jaffa did not fear death in battle, fighting to their last breath in strength, but being poisoned, dying helplessly was an entirely different matter. That shameful death was a horrifying prospect to any warrior.

"Leave us," Ba'al commanded with a wave of his hand. The jaffa left and Nes moved toward Ba'al's throne. "What are your thoughts, Sekhmet?"

"It does not seem to be the usual strategy of the Tok'ra. We all know they prefer disguise and subterfuge."

"The Tau'ri then?"

"No. They would never kill the Jaffa like this, vermin to be exterminated. They would certainly use that tactic on us, but the Jaffa they still wish to save from their devotion." Nes began to pace. "Have only your worlds been attacked? Perhaps one of the remaining System Lords has obtained the poison."

"Perhaps..." Ba'al became lost in thought and Nes finally stopped in front of him, waiting for his attention.

"Would you like me to investigate whether the Tau'ri have more information?" she asked as he looked up.

"Yes." He smirked at her. "Take special note of how the Shol'va reacts to these attacks. I wish I could witness the horror he will feel at the slaughter of so many of his brethren."

Nes chuckled, playing the role she'd cast herself in. "Of course. And if they do not have further information, perhaps we can use this to divide the various forces that stand against us. The Jaffa traitors will never align with the Tok'ra if they suspect they are behind these attacks." She leaned forward and kissed him. "I will report back as soon as I can."

Nes moved quickly, working hard to keep herself calm. Millions of jaffa were now dead and despite her deceptions, that knowledge pained her. The jaffa at the gate dialed the planet where her tel'tak waited and from there she had the ship prepped with as much haste as was possible.

Nes came out of hyperspace, engaging her cloak, and could immediately see the Prometheus, Earth's first interstellar battleship, bearing down on an al'kesh that seemed completely unaware of its predicament. She checked her screens and saw the tracker she'd planted on the al'kesh operated by The Trust. What were they doing? Why didn't they flee? And why didn't the Prometheus attack?

The al'kesh came to life then, but still, the Prometheus did nothing. The hyperdrive engines fired up and soon the goa'uld built ship was moving rapidly towards a generated wormhole and disappearing into hyperspace. While in transit, she had no way of tracking them, but they couldn't stay outside of normal space forever, and once they left hyperspace, it would be easy for Nes to capture them.

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