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Stargate: Continuum (bold)

"Nes!" Cam called her name down the hall and she waited for him to catch up to her.

"What's up?"

"A package was just delivered, has our names on it."

"Whose names?"

"Yours and mine."

"Why us?"

He shrugged. "It got through security so General Landry sent me to bring you to the Briefing Room. Where's Elliot?"

"He was grabbing some stuff from his locker. We'll be down in a minute."

"Sounds good. I'm going to go find Carter."

"She doesn't head back to Atlantis until next week, right?"

"Yeah." He smiled. "Don't worry. She won't leave without saying goodbye, Nessie."

Nes feigned a dirty look at the nickname, but Cam just laughed as he took off in the other direction.

Kevin was a bit annoyed they had to hang around a bit longer. It'd been a long week and he'd been looking forward to a few days off.

"Alright, I'm here," Nes said as she and Kevin came into the Briefing Room and saw a plain brown paper package on the table, surrounded by General Landry, Mitchell, Daniel, Teal'c, Sam, and Vala. "Any idea where it came from?"

"It was delivered by personal courier - the contents of a safety deposit box that was paid in advance until now, with instructions to deliver it to this location."

"Well, that's odd. How long did they hold it for?"

"Looks like they took possession of it in..." General Landry flipped through some paperwork. "...1983."

"Twenty-five years? What on Earth could this even be?" Nes leaned over the box as Cam began to open it.

They both looked up at one another in surprise. Inside was a camera and memory cards - the same kind of camera and memory cards Nes currently had in her bag. She reached inside to pull them out, noting how much more worn these versions were than her own.

"This camera doesn't come out until next year, sir. I got it a few weeks ago."

"Wait, next year?" Daniel asked. "How does that make sense?"

Nes just shrugged. "Money works just like a time machine sometimes."

Cam reached into the box again and found a thick envelope as well as a notebook, which he began flipping through.

Nes grabbed his hand to stop him, looking closer at the pages. "That's my handwriting."

"What's going on?" Kevin came closer to look in the box as well, but it was empty now, so he picked up the envelope and opened it. After a few moments he cleared his throat. "Did you two take a trip you didn't tell me about?"

His voice had a definite edge to it and Nes looked over to see what he was referring to.

There, in his hands, was a stack of pictures, the first one being a picture of Nes and Cam, faces pressed together, big smiles. She had no memory of ever taking such a photo with him.

Kevin began to sift through the photos. Picture after picture after picture of Nes and Cam, smiling, kissing, laughing, but the photos were old, their clothing and hair dated, their faces aging as they went on.

"What the hell is this?" Nes finally said, looking up at General Landry for answers.

"Don't look at me. I have just as much information as the rest of you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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