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Episode 7.19 "Resurrection" (bold)

They settled into a routine in the next couple weeks, with Nes deciding to work on the dissertation she'd abandoned. She set herself up in Sam's lab most days, but when the major was away and Elliot was on base, he would sneak up to visit her. The more she was with him, the more she believed that she could force Sekhmet into a lesser role in her life.

"It's really good you're not living on base anymore," Elliot said as he kissed her during a break one day.

"Yeah, you visiting me in a room with a bed is not exactly conducive to taking things slow."

"Not at all." He pulled her closer, but they both jumped as the door opened.

"Sam," Nes choked out.

The major stood in the doorway with raised eyebrows in surprise.

"Hi." Sam had just a hint of a smile in her eyes.

"Hi." Both Nes and Elliot responded, Nes with embarrassment and Elliot with shame. She wondered if Lantash's residual feelings for Sam left him feeling like he'd just been caught cheating.

"I was just leaving, Major. Sorry." He turned to Nes quickly. "I'll see you later."

"That's taking it slow?" Sam whispered after Elliot had left.

"I said we were trying to take it slow...I never said we were any good at it." Nes could feel the heat in her cheeks and Sam chuckled at her.

"Well, I just got a call from Agent Barrett with the NID and he says they found something we might find interesting out in LA. They need our help."

"LA? And he didn't say what it was?"

"No. I guess I'll find out when I get there. Jack's sitting this one out. He hasn't been cleared for active duty yet, but Daniel and Teal'c are coming along with me."

"Well, have fun."

"Oh, of course. See ya later."

Sam took off and Nes settled in for a long day of working. A quick lunch with Elliot was interrupted by General Hammond, though, and she followed him out into the hall.

"What's going on, General?"

"Major Carter just called. It seems your presence is requested out in Los Angeles."

"Me? What for?"

"They've found a rogue NID sleeper cell who acquired quite a lot of artifacts that Dr. Jackson says belonged to Sekhmet." He paused for a few moments. "And it was run by Dr. Keffler."

Nes felt the two sides of her in strong conflict. Her body remembered the pain and shrunk away, but the hatred she felt for the man was stronger. The torture may have dulled her need to kill, but this wouldn't be done out of need. She would kill him for revenge, for sheer pleasure.

"I can be ready to go within the hour." She kept Sekhmet's prowl out of her voice as best as she could.

"Dr. Lee will also be accompanying you. Apparently there's a bomb that needs diffusing."

"Well, that's lovely."

"If you don't want to go..."

"It's not a problem, General." She gave him a smile before he told her to be back in an hour to leave.

Nes popped back into the mess hall to inform Elliot who looked concerned at her excitement and followed her as she walked back up to Sam's lab.

"Nes, this guy tortured you."

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