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Episode 5.16 "Last Stand" (bold)

Elliot came up with an idea to locate some of the tunnel-growing crystals to create a new way out and Jack ordered Nes and Carter to stay with the lieutenant while he and Teal'c went to the lab to find them. The women gently laid the injured man down to rest while they waited.

He lay quietly, but still spared some energy to examine Nes again. She dropped her eyes, realizing that Elliot now had access to Lantash's knowledge of her time impersonating Sekhmet. His good opinion of her had been able to withstand the gossip of the SGC, but what he knew now was not simply rumor and it was more than anyone back on Earth knew. Her reputation in the galaxy was still that of a butcher and it could not be blamed on a symbiote controlling her. Sekhmet's power ran much deeper in her than her simple presence.

Nes backed away as Carter gave him a drink and he struggled to speak.

"They should have been back by now."

"I'm sure they're okay, they'll be back soon. How're you doing?" Carter kept an eye on the open tunnel behind them, her weapon at the ready.

"It's very strange."

"I know."

It was hard for him to speak and his eyes remained shut. "It's like...I suddenly know everything about someone else's life. Two other people actually. I hear his thoughts every now and then, but he's using all his strength to try and save me."

They could hear distant rumbles above them. "Sounds like they're coming round for another run."

A crash hit closer and Carter's protective instincts forced her forward to cover Elliot. Nes again felt her eyes flash as the woman leaned back off him and she was embarrassed that the lieutenant saw it before closing his eyes again.

"What a joke."


"I...I can't believe I'm actually going to die on my first mission."

She could hear his fear and anger and she sat down a little ways away, wishing she could help him.

"You're not."

"Come on, Major. Even if this symbiote can fix what's wrong with me, we're never getting out of here."

Carter's tone became too cheerful. "Sure we are. You've read our mission files. We go through the Gate, get into trouble, get out of it, we go home."

"Tell that to Major Mansfield."

Nes had never heard such pessimism in his voice.

"Okay, forget the pep talk. You knew what you were signing up for."


"You got this assignment because you were strong, both physically and mentally. Now give the symbiote inside you a chance. He needs you as much as you need him right now. Do not--"

The tunnel again shook violently and another collapse meant their only path was blocked with debris. They were even more trapped than they had been a few moments before.

Nes immediately began moving debris and Carter came over to help.

"You should talk to him, comfort him," she said quietly to the younger girl.

"He doesn't want comfort from me."

"How do you know that?"

Nes stopped digging and turned to the major. "Because he has Lantash's knowledge about me now. He has the Tok'ra disgust and suspicion of me now, too. I can see it in his face."

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