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Episode 8.14 "Full Alert" (bold)

Sekhmet ventured to Cheyenne Mountain right away and no amount of resistance from Nes could prevent her. The goa'uld remnant momentarily thought about just beaming straight into the base so she wouldn't lose so much time in the somewhat unnecessary procedures Nes had established over the past few years, but she didn't think they would welcome her surprise appearances and may even grow suspicious. Plus, it looked like they had expanded the jamming frequency to encompass the entire base instead of just the gate room.

"You guys seem tense. What's going on, Sam?" Sekhmet mimicked Nes' voice and mannerisms as she walked down the hall with the colonel and Nes hated the return to the deceptions of her days with Sean.

"Kinsey is here."

"Vice President Kinsey?" Sekhmet's prowl made an appearance and Nes noticed her body's subtle changes into The Butcher.

"Not anymore. The president forced him to resign during Anubis' attack."

"I must have missed that." Sekhmet's voice had slowed, the lion in the grass, but Sam didn't notice.

"He had ties to The Trust and the president wasn't too happy about it."

"Ah, and I didn't join their ranks until after that. So what's he doing here now?"

"The Trust has contacted him, wants him to arrange a meeting with the Russian defense minister."

"And what would they want with him?" Nes felt their shared suspicion start to grow.

"I was hoping you might know."

"No, I'm afraid that being offworld for so long seems to have severed many of my connections." Likely the truth. She'd need to touch base with Athena at some point.

They arrived at the briefing room and she was welcomed by Jack, Daniel, and Teal'c, offering nothing but her own greetings in return.

"We're thinking of having Kinsey arrange the meeting and wear a wire so we can hear the conversations, find out what's going on," Sam said as they sat.

"Will he do it?" Sekhmet asked and they all looked skeptically at one another until Jack finally stood in frustration.

"Let's go find out. Nes, would you like to accompany me? I've heard you can be quite persuasive."

She gave him a broad smile with a hint of sinister glee. "Why yes, that does seem to be one of my talents."

They entered Kinsey's quarters where his eyebrows raised as he saw Sekhmet, seeing Tessa James, seeing The Butcher, seeing a former host, and though Nes was sure he knew of her past and presence at the SGC, laying his own eyes on her was quite its own experience.

Jack explained their plan and Kinsey looked at him with disgust.

"You want me to wear a wire!"

"That's the deal," Jack said casually.

"I am not a spy!"

"Think of it this way. If you don't do what they want...they'll kill you. If you don't do what we want...we'll let 'em." Jack ended with a smile and Nes let her small corner fill with respect for him.

"Why, that's as good as pulling the trigger yourself! I thought Stargate Command didn't do that sort of thing." Kinsey was beginning to panic, not seeing how it fed Sekhmet.

"Well...we're under new management."

Sekhmet stepped forward with a smirk. "And if that's not enough motivation for you, I believe I'm still in possession of some photographs your wife may not enjoy very much."

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