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Tessa let Ronnie shove her off once they were through the gate. He fell to the platform, but she walked down the stairs, leaving him where he sat. She'd programmed in an address that led to an uninhabited world, but she didn't need people, just sky and air that hadn't been pumped through pipes.

"You're still Sekhmet." Ronnie's voice was accusatory.

"That's up for debate."

She breathed in the fresh air and took in the view of a different sun and extra moons. She was on another planet. Just being outside after all that time underground would have been incredible, but this...this was overwhelming.

Though not quite so overwhelming that she couldn't sense Ronnie slowly standing. She gave him another half a moment to make his decision before she made hers. He was too far away to think he could surprise her, but the man was desperate, she knew that, and as he took his first step off the platform, Tessa whirled around and pointed the gun at him.

"Don't be stupid. I have no intention of killing you."

"Then why did you bring me here?"

She let out an exasperated sigh. "Because you were there and because I needed a hostage to get through the gate without being shot."

"You know they're just going to come through that gate any second." Ronnie crossed his arms in a confident manner. "They saw the address."

"Sweetheart, don't you think if I can rig a remote device to hack the dialing computer, that I could also force that computer into a full system reboot and then run a diagnostic program? I've got plenty of time." She smiled and made her way over to the Dial Home Device, holstering the gun.

Ronnie's confidence faltered and he followed her over to the DHD a little ways.

"But I'll be off now anyway. Thank you for the help. Again." She began dialing the next address, pushing in the symbols she knew by heart.

"Where are you going?"

"Well, you are welcome to look at the address. I won't be sticking around there either, but if it makes you feel helpful, by all means," and she gestured to the DHD.

The gate activated and she made a step towards it before turning to Ronnie again, striding over to him quickly until there was barely air between them. "I forgot to kiss you goodbye." Tessa reached up and grabbed the front of his jacket to pull him down to her level before he could react.

She'd expected resistance, but Ronnie offered little, and when she pulled away, she gave his cheek a quick pat.

"I've wanted to do that since the first time I saw you."

Ronnie pulled her into another kiss. He was trying to delay her. She wasn't stupid, but she allowed another minute or two or three of his clever tactics, gently grasping his hand as it slid down her side toward her gun.

She stepped back with a smile. "Why Ronnie Harris, are you developing a bit of Stockholm syndrome?"

He leaned in close again. "Can you blame me?"

"Keep this up and I'll be tempted to take you with me." She watched as momentary concern passed over his face. "Of course, I suspect you're aiming more towards delay rather than tagging along."

He smiled. "Can you blame me for that either?"


Tessa let Sekhmet's smirk say the rest of her goodbye and she jumped through the Stargate.


Six worlds later and she felt confident no one would follow her to her real destination: Sekhmet's old secret stronghold, Isheru. Hopefully it was still there.

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