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Sekhmet had the need for sun and sand and heat after their time in Denver so they headed south to a house she owned in Miami, simply making a quick call to the agency she'd been employing for ages to manage her affairs. They would have the house aired out and made ready for their arrival, stocking the kitchen, delivering a car from storage, and filling the safe with money and the necessary items for a new identity. After switching vehicles a few times on their way there, deciding it would be unwise to fly just yet, they arrived in a few days, driving at a somewhat leisurely pace. While the house in Denver had been of a more classical design with intricate stonework and a stiff formality, the Miami one was a stunning example of Mid-Century modern architecture and surrounded by nature that left you hardly able to believe you were still within city limits.

The long days of driving had kept Sekhmet distracted enough to give Tessa time to think and though she couldn't feel the emotions, her thoughts were angry and not just with the goa'uld. She had not really tried to stop Sekhmet, not with Sean and not with any of the previous kills. She'd given up far too quickly and hated the cowardice and weakness she'd displayed.

Sekhmet wanted a partner, though, a friend, and so Tessa decided to give that to her. With Sekhmet's guidance, she was quickly learning the delicate art of deception, but she was sure the goa'uld would never suspect that Tessa would try (or be capable of) using it against her. Perhaps as Sekhmet gave her more control with more frequency, she would grow strong enough to resist her dominance.

Never again did she want to be forced to kill someone she cared about.

After too long sitting in a car, Sekhmet's first days in Miami were spent at a spa and her host couldn't help but enjoy the luxuries that came with the goa'uld's lifestyle. Tessa also resolved during that time of massages and facials and saunas that if she couldn't stop her hands from killing, she could at least attempt to direct Sekhmet toward victims that were more deserving of her wrath. That would help soothe her own conscience as well, though she still cringed in her little corner, grateful she would at least not have to deal with the feelings of guilt and horror over her expected participation in Sekhmet's future murders. She saw no other way to gain Sekhmet's trust, though.

With the fun of taunting Sean, it wasn't hard to convince Sekhmet to take more time in selecting victims and Tessa slowly shifted from abhorrence to hunger, convincing her captor that the transition was both real and due to Sekhmet's deep influence. Soon the two were working in harmony as they identified and stalked new possibilities, Tessa's subtle guidance directing them to the worst of humanity as much as possible. They were men whose deaths would be of no great loss to mankind and with that she could persuade her conscience more and more easily to cooperate fully in Sekhmet's games, the goa'uld's superior control over her emotions making Tessa anxious for every new victim. Occasionally Sekhmet would fixate on a good and decent man, and Tessa would then try to at least hurry his demise, knowing she was still yet unable to save him or any others.

They stayed in Miami only a few months, establishing with the police again the presence of a serial killer before moving on. Most of the men had been too easily acquired in a city with such an active nightlife and beaches. Some were tourists, many were locals, but the consistent themes were age and build. Sekhmet still loved strong and fit men the best for torture and she pushed Tessa to participate more and more, though her host's real work took place as Sekhmet slept every night.

Once the goa'uld had drifted off, Tessa would cautiously attempt to exert her own will over her body. She crept out of her corner and spread out over her mind, tiptoeing so as not to wake the sleeping giant. It took nearly ten months, but Tessa finally managed to move her finger. It was such a small milestone, but she nearly awoke the other mind with her excitement. From there, her progress quickened and she soon could move her limbs and even control her voice, but her fear intensified with her confidence. She could control her body with no resistance from Sekhmet, but how would that translate to an angry goa'uld fighting for dominance? Surprise would be her only advantage, so the moment would have to be perfect.

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