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Returning to the SGC was difficult for everyone with the state of Teal'c's mind, but for Nes, it carried an extra weight. Teal'c had withstood horrific torture, never once even tempted to lie to save himself, and yet here he was, broken. The goa'uld had made his body into a slave from birth, but he had kept his mind as his own. Now his body was free, more or less, and his mind was the one enslaved.

She could see the same calculating look in his eyes that she knew was in her own. What should he share? What should he hold back? What words would move him closer to his goals? But his deception was based on faith in a god that was not his own. Hers was based on truths she had learned in far too many prisons.

And now she was back to living with a guard outside her door and trailing her every step.

She had to leave, but this time she would at least attempt to do it in the proper way first so she made her way to General Hammond's office. It wasn't an easy task convincing her guard to allow her that close to the Stargate, but he eventually just called the general himself to get permission. She chafed at the restriction of her movements even further, especially with how ridiculous it was that they thought they could truly keep her confined if she didn't want to be. She was choosing to remain here. For the moment.

Once seated in Hammond's office, she got right to the point. "I want to leave, General."

He looked up in surprise. "You just got back."

"Yes, sir, but to what? Just a different prison with different walls and different wardens."

The general stared at her for a moment. "What is it you're asking for?"

"It's been over five years since I was taken by Sekhmet and nearly two years since I was freed. And those two years have been mostly spent pretending to be Sekhmet." She looked up at him hopefully. "I need a vacation, sir."

"A vacation?" His eyebrows were as high as they would go.

"Yes, sir."


She chuckled. "A beach, I think."

"On Earth?" He waited for her to nod. "And what about your...Sekhmet's...needs?"

Nes took a deep breath. "I've still got a good month before that becomes an issue. I'll only be gone a few weeks."

He leaned forward. "And if it becomes an issue sooner?"

"Then I'll come back sooner. Dr. Frasier was going to try some medications to help me fight the...addiction."

He leaned back into his chair, his hands gripping the armrests. "Why don't we start out slowly?"

"General--" He held up a hand to silence her.

"Bra'tac should be arriving soon to help with Teal'c. I'd like you here for that."

"I doubt I'll be any help."

"We'll see." He folded his hands on the desk. "In the meantime, perhaps a simple evening off the base." She sat up straighter. "With supervision." She slumped a bit. "If you come back without incident, then we'll consider something more."

Nes nodded slowly and the general took on more fatherly mannerisms. "You've been through a lot in the last five years. I understand wanting a break from all of this, but we need to be cautious."

"Of course."

"I'll speak with Major Carter about accompanying you topside."

"Thank you, General."

"We'll do what we can to help you, Tes...Nesert."

She nodded once more before joining her guard in the hall. She'd need to decide soon if she was going to stay or run. Who knows if she'd ever get such a good chance to flee again? But now that would involve Sam. If it were some nameless airman, it'd be one thing, but Sam would be held responsible if she disappeared and Nes realized that she did value that friendship. Maybe even enough to stick around.

NesertWhere stories live. Discover now