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Episode 10.04 "Insiders" (bold)

Nes pushed her hyperdrive to the brink to get back to Earth as quickly as possible, unsure if she should be relieved or horrified that the signals were originating from within the SGC. She debated for a moment on trying to find Adaar first, but that would take time she might not have.

She couldn't risk beaming into her Colorado Springs house with the clones potentially still keeping an eye on it, so instead she ended up in some back alley and just walked to Cheyenne Mountain. She noticed the strange looks from the guards at the exact moment that she remembered she was still dressed in her offworld attire.

There she was trying to access a top secret facility dressed in full leather - pants, jacket, and boots - in various shades of brown and tan, a dozen or so knives in various holsters, a gun on her thigh, and looking every ounce The Butcher with a complete lack of disguise.

In a few breaths she had guns from every direction trained on her and she held up her hands in surrender, a sheepish grin on her face.

"Forgot where I was, boys. Just tell Colonel Carter I'm here, would you?"

"We'll need to remove your weapons before escorting you inside, ma'am." said the guard closest to her.

Nes couldn't resist giving him a wink. "If you can find them all, you absolutely can remove them."

She looked up at a group of men in the background and spotted a familiar face, her smile widening as his eyes met hers and he began to approach the commotion.

"Nes, what the hell are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be dead?"

"Several times over, actually, but you know me, Ronnie."

"Do I ever."

"Do you know this woman, Harris?" the guard turned around to address him.

"Yeah, Hardesty, I know her. And I'd tell you she's harmless, but that'd be a bold faced lie."

Nes kept her hands up but shifted her hips with a smile in confirmation.

Ronnie let his eyes take her in as he got a bit closer. "You look...well, you look damn hot, to be perfectly honest, but what's with the getup?"


He raised his eyebrows. "That's what you wear offworld?"

"Wishing you'd come with me when I asked?"

"Would I have survived?"

Nes shrugged. "No reward without risk, Ronnie." She gave him a stern look. "I'm hoping that the relaxed atmosphere means the base hasn't been taken over by your current guests."

Ronnie narrowed his eyes. "What do you know?"

"That each new addition is more redundant than the last."

They were on the same page now and he nodded. "Get the general or someone from SG-1 on the phone, Hardesty. Tell them Nesert Saeda is here and knows who we're holding downstairs."

"Thank you. Ya know, this would go so much smoother every time if they'd just put a note in the orientation about me showing up every now and then." She moved her hands like they were displaying text. "If a woman who resembles The Butcher appears, just call SG-1."

"Except you don't just resemble her."

"Well, that's classified now, isn't it?"

Ronnie crossed his arms and cocked his head to the side. "Are you going to hurt any of these guys if they try to take your weapons?"

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