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Finally able to walk steadily and down to a minimal dosage of just a few medications, Nes was released to return to her house for the first time since she'd been back on Earth. An airman was assigned to drop her off and she thanked him as she slowly got out of the truck. She made her way inside and paused just inside the door to breathe in the familiarity. She went straight to the shower and stayed under the warm water until it began to run cold and then threw on a robe and moved back into her bedroom, drying her hair as she went.

"I thought you would never finish up. I almost came to join you."

Nes whipped around towards the well known voice, instinctively adjusting her robe to conceal even more. Ba'al was lying on her bed in a dark gray suit, propped up against the headboard, ankles crossed, hands behind his head, and a smirk on his face.

"You have some nerve showing up here after what you did," she spat out as she whipped the towel in her hand towards the goa'uld.

Ba'al caught it with a smile before swinging his legs over the edge of the mattress and approaching her cautiously. "Come now, darling. It would have done neither of us any good for me to remain and endure the attack as well."

"They nearly killed me!"

Ba'al brought a hand to her face and gently traced the various crisscrossing scars. "Yes, they did mar your lovely face." He kissed the largest scar. "A short time in the sarcophagus will remedy that. Now, get dressed so we can go."

She stood glaring at him and he laughed quietly, reaching out to take hold of her robe's belt, and pulled her towards him gently.

"Unless you would like to spend a little more time here first." He laughed louder as she shoved him away. "Surely you're not going to withhold your forgiveness."

"Forgiveness first requires repentance, darling. I can't say I've heard an apology as of yet."

"You know I would so prefer to show you instead."

Nes scoffed and walked back towards the bathroom. "Wait there," she called as she went through to the closet. She grabbed a simple wrap dress and flats and threw them on as quickly as she could, pulling her hair up in a clip.

Ba'al wasn't in her bedroom when she returned and she panicked for a moment that he was gone, taking his offer of his sarcophagus with him, but she found him in the kitchen opening a bottle of wine.

"You have a nice collection downstairs. I hope you don't mind me picking one out." He poured two glasses and handed one to her. "This house is nice, but I think I prefer your Los Angeles one more. How many homes do you own?"

"Enough." She smirked. "But I'll buy more anyway."

He returned her smirk. "Always something new to acquire or conquer." He took another sip. "Especially here on Earth."

"How long have you been here?" She sat down, her body growing weary.

"Since Dakara. I'm afraid the combination of Anubis, the rebel Jaffa, and the Tau'ri managed to destroy all that I had worked so hard to control." The bitterness in his voice was thick and he threw back the rest of his wine in one gulp before filling his glass again. "Still, this planet is not without its charms."

"I think you'll enjoy it thoroughly."

Ba'al finished his second glass and then reached into his pocket to pull out a small device. "Locator beacon. I'll beam you to the ship."

Nes took it and watched Ba'al disappear in a flash of light. A few moments later she found herself standing in the cargo bay of an al'kesh.

"Follow me." He walked through a set of doors and around the corner to a side room and ushered her in.

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