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Episode 9.06 "Ex Deus Machina" (bold)

Nes woke early even though she'd been up late, but as she'd been in the sarcophagus twice in two days, she still had plenty of energy. When she considered the possibility of living in the house more long term, she quickly made the decision to contact her management company to do some remodeling. She couldn't stand the kitchen as it was. Or the bathroom. She'd simply grown too accustomed to luxury to tolerate things that should have been gutted a decade earlier. Plus, the work being done would potentially provide justifiable escapes whenever she required them.

Before lunch, a designer had been hired and Nes was given top priority among their clients, with the contractors starting demo that afternoon.

Money always had a way of doing that.

Her vehicle choice this time was a silver Jaguar. A bit flashy, but not ostentatious and she knew it would add to her background of wealth and education and culture. She drove herself to The Trust compound, but was stopped at the gate by some very angry looking guards. She told them to give her name to Mr. Kagan, though, and soon she was waved on and greeted in the parking garage by a Ba'al wearing a pinstripe suit and yellow tie who smirked at her in a way that made her blood go cold.

It could only be Alpha.

Nes hesitated as their eyes locked and she felt her feet slow as they urged her to return to her car, to safety. She wasn't going to let him see any fear, though, and resumed her pace directly towards him.

"Alpha," she nodded to him as she passed by, inwardly tensing as she grew close enough for him to grab hold of her if he so chose.

"Sekhmet. Your health seems to have improved since yesterday morning," he said as he fell in step behind her.

"Considerably." She kept her shoulders back and her steps deliberate, but didn't swing her hips in her usual manner. She now knew better than to taunt him when they were alone. "Any updates on Jameson or the jaffa who attacked?"

"Someone discovered the body of a jaffa in the woods not too far away from the Edison plant, one of Yu's old warriors. Seems he may have been hit by a car." He chuckled. "Those humans were probably very surprised."

She smiled as well at the thought. "Gerak of the Jaffa High Council commands the loyalty of most of those who had belonged to Yu, correct?"

"Yes, so we can likely assume that he was behind the attack. And that seems to be the thought process of the SGC as well. The Shol'va is planning to confront Gerak about it."

"So it's very possible that Gerak has Jameson. That could be problematic."

"It also appears that the SGC is interested in the Edison plant, looking into its connection with Farrow-Marshall."

"How lovely. And the police?"

"We're indicating he may have been having an affair."


"Nothing as of yet. Ba'al should be beaming in upstairs shortly."

Alpha finally grabbed hold of her arm, but Nes remained facing away from him. He wouldn't attack her here, not with Ba'al on the way, not with operatives just down the hall.

"You were wise to keep silent."

"Ba'al has killed me before, as you well know. I'm not always opposed to displays of strength when I survive them." If she wanted to eliminate him as a threat, she'd first need to gain his trust enough to get him alone in a situation that she controlled.

"You should have just let me have my way."

"I still may, but not now and certainly not here." The offer would be far too tempting even if he suspected it were a trap. "Perhaps you should focus more on the crisis at hand for the time being."

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