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"You're leaving?!" Nes said in shock as Sam sat across from her. "What about SG-1?"

"I know." Sam sighed and Nes could see some guilt on her face. "I worry that I'm leaving my work unfinished, but this is such an amazing opportunity."

"It is, and I'm happy for you. Taking over command of Atlantis...it'll be amazing and you'll do a great job. I just...I'm going to miss you, Sam."

Sam gave her a smile. "I'm going to miss all of you, too."

Nes put her chin in her hand with a bit of a pout. "Who am I going to go to for advice?"

"Vala?" Sam said with a wink.

Nes raised her eyebrows. "Funny. But really..."

"Nes, you can always contact me, and you and Kevin can come for a visit, too. In fact, I expect it."

"And Jack?"

The colonel looked down at her desk, but her voice held innocent confusion. "And Jack what?"


"And General O'Neill is very busy, but I'm sure we'll keep in touch. I'll be in touch with all of you."

Nes crossed her arms and gave the other woman a reprimanding look. "You are ridiculous. You know that, right?"

A small smile crept onto Sam's face along with a light blush. "I do."

"When do you leave? Any time for a last club weekend getaway?"

"Just a few weeks, so probably not, but if I have any time off down the road?"

Nes nodded sadly. "Sam?" She waited for her to look up. "I'd never be where I am now without you."

Sam stood with a smile and held out her arms. "Come here."

Nes chuckled, but came around the table to give her a hug. "Thanks again."

"Anytime, Nes. Take care of everyone here for me, okay?"

Nes sniffed and cleared her throat as her eyes threatened tears. "Will do."


Life took on a rhythm with hunting the clones - days spent planning and chasing, nights spent with Kevin, days off spent enjoying her various homes with company and laughter, which was a particularly nice change from the loneliness she'd felt before.

"Where's this next clone then?" Nes asked as they got dressed one morning to head into the SGC.

Kevin cleared his throat and gave her a cautious look. "We're going after Kappa. He seems to be hiding out in Lucian Alliance territory, bouncing between those worlds."

Kappa. Good. She would enjoy killing him so much more than the other clones. She smiled. "So Asra, then."

He gave her a momentary look of concern with her obvious glee, but seemed to push it aside. "I do like you in those outfits."

Nes winked at him. "Everyone does."

"Well, that I don't like."

"Ever the jealous type."

He grabbed her arm and pulled her close. "Like you aren't."

"I wouldn't get jealous. I'd just kill them."

Kevin chuckled. "I think that counts as getting jealous."

Nes shrugged. "Come on. We'll be late." She tried to move out of his arms, but he held her firm, giving her a suggestive look.

"Since when do you care about being late?" His lips moved down her neck.

Nes wasn't open to distractions this morning, though. She was too focused on killing Kappa now. "Since you made me play by the rules."

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