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Episode 10.09 "Company of Thieves" (bold)

Nes returned to the holding cell, screams coming from within, where the two guards allowed her entrance, though Mitchell ordered the doors closed again immediately, Teal'c feigning exhaustion.

"Having fun, boys?"

"Of course. I suppose you ran off with Netan?" Cam said, frustration in his voice.

"For a bit. I'm going to need you to gift me to him."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"And I would appreciate it if you were clear with him that I'm not your whore."

"What are you talking about?"

"I offered my services to Netan, but he's concerned about damaging his friendship with you...with Kefflin."

"To what purpose are you aligning yourself with Netan, Nesert?" Teal'c may not be enduring torture from Cam, but he still had been roughed up a bit earlier and he clearly was weary of the game.

"If we don't get the information we want before Kefflin overstays his welcome, then I'll be able to remain behind."

"We won't leave you behind, Nes. Come on, you know that."

"Don't be foolish, Cam. I can take care of myself."

Both men began to object, but she held up a hand to silence them again.

"Netan and some of the Seconds here are taking their meal shortly. This would be a good time to press Netan for information in front of his subordinates, Cam."

Mitchell looked to Teal'c, who nodded, and he set down the pain stick. "Alright, let's go. We'll be back in a bit, Teal'c."

"I will await your return most anxiously."

Nes joined Cam as they made their way to the dining area, finding Netan sitting at the head of the table with various men, including the guard from before, sitting on either side. Netan turned his head to see them and motioned for them to enter, nodding to the guard.

"Vashin, make room."

Vashin got up with a sullen expression, but moved to the wall as he was told. That didn't stop his eyes from watching Nes carefully as she made her way to the other side of the room. She wanted a clear view of Cam's face as he sat down at the table.

"This is Kefflin," Netan said to the group.

A dark man sitting next to Netan turned to Cam with disgust. "I thought you did not like to show your face."

Cam picked up a knife to study before stabbing a piece of food. "I'm seeing a therapist."

Netan smirked at the comment. "This is Gavos," he said as he nodded to the man who had spoken. He then moved around the table with names. "Slaviash, Karug, Millic, and Rameris."

"Since when do we let a woman join our party?" Slaviash nodded up at her.

Before anyone could respond, a knife lodged itself into Slaviash's meal, still vibrating from the impact. All the men twisted to look at Nes, though she was already returning to a relaxed position, a smirk on her face.

Netan looked at her appreciatively, clearly beginning to see what an asset she could be.

"This is Asra. She came with Kefflin and is welcome wherever he is."

The men eyed her suspiciously, Gavos more than any of them, but finally he turned his attention back to the man he was told was Kefflin.

"What did you learn from the Jaffa?" he asked.

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