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Nes stopped walking as she realized the danger she was in. Ba'al must be close by, blocking her ability to beam up to her ship. She had to get away. She had to get both of them away.

"Aaron, we need to leave."

He shoved her into the light with a laugh. "I don't think so."

"Please, you have no idea how different the world is from what you know."

"I know there was some batshit crazy stuff that happened when I caught you."

"Yes! Aaron...The Butcher...she's dead. I'm Tessa, but I've needed to pretend to still be her."

Aaron scoffed at her statement. "How many people have you killed since Boston, Tessa?"

Nes kept silent.

"How many?!"

"In your jurisdiction?"


"I haven't counted."

"Take a guess then."

"Aaron, you have to understand--"

"HOW MANY?!" She could see him in the dim light take a deep breath to calm himself. "Twenty? Thirty? Fifty? A hundred? How many?"

Nes' breathing started to grow ragged, fear and cold making her shake slightly. "Probably closer to a hundred."

His jaw dropped open. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Quite a lot, but I'm doing my best to right those wrongs."

"I should put a bullet in your head. You deserve to die."

Nes tried to swallow but her mouth was too dry. "Well, if it makes you feel better, I've died a number of times since we last met. Tortured as well."

"You look perfectly healthy to me."

"And yet, she's not lying."

Nes closed her eyes for a moment as the deep voice joined their conversation, footsteps approaching. When she looked out into the darkness, she could just see a Ba'al coming towards them.

Was it Adaar? Was it Ba'al? Maybe even a different clone altogether?

"Hello, darling," he said with a smile. "What kind of trouble has your curiosity gotten you into this time?"

Adaar. Her body began to relax.

"Oh, the usual."


Molina shifted his gun toward Adaar, but was ignored by the intruder, who gestured to their surroundings.

"But why are you still hanging around here, my dear?"

Nes gave Adaar a pointed look. "I'm afraid Special Agent Molina here is not the only one who seems to be holding me captive."

The FBI agent turned his gun and attention back to Nes. "What are you talking about?"

A second version of the first intruder's voice joined their little group. "I believe she's referring to me."

All three turned toward the voice, but Adaar was suddenly sent flying across the room. Nes cried out and took a few steps toward the direction of his body, sprawled somewhere in the darkness.

"Don't move!" two voices yelled, halting Nes while she was still in the shaft of light.

Another Ba'al appeared in the dim light, his hand held up, a gold kara kesh shining, the red gem on his palm dimming again.

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