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Episode 9.06 "Ex Deus Machina" (bold)

In the morning, Nes brought her coffee downstairs as well as some water for Alpha. She certainly didn't want him to die from dehydration.

"Good morning, Alpha. How are you this morning?"

He groaned in response, but took some water when she brought the glass to his lips.

"I thought we'd have a morning session and then you can rest while I go out for a while, check on the state of things and such, but don't worry, I'll be back later to continue."

He found enough energy to jerk forward against his restraints in rage and he shifted into his goa'uld voice. "Let me go, Sekhmet."

"I have absolutely no reason in the world to do that. And call me Nesert or Nes. It just feels more...intimate."

From there, she stopped only when she needed a refill of coffee and by the time Alpha had had enough, it was about time for the contractors to arrive, so she went to clean herself up. They'd already made quite a bit of progress on the kitchen the day before with tearing out the dated cabinetry and appliances. While normally she would do all custom work, for the sake of speed, she'd lessened her standards this time, knowing she could have it all redone when it was more convenient.

The contractors were completely professional, used to working with higher end clientele, and she had no concerns that they would go snooping around the house, though they wouldn't find anything even if they did. The designer arrived to supervise and clear a few decisions and then Nes finished getting herself ready before heading to the compound to find out the situation with Ba'al.

Ba'al greeted her down in the main monitoring room, wearing the same suit Alpha had worn the previous day. They must have multiples of outfits to cause even further confusion. He leaned over to her ear to whisper. "You look...invigorated, my dear."

"I slept very well."

Ba'al gave her a stern look. "Alone?"

"Of course," she said quietly. "Why would I have someone else when I could have you?"

He looked skeptical, but didn't push the topic. "Alpha is still missing. No one has seen him since he left for headquarters last night, but security says they never saw him arrive. So far, my spies offworld haven't heard anything, either, which seems odd."


"Yes, I would expect they'd be quick to claim your capture." She paused in thought. "Was he seeing anyone?"

"Seeing anyone?"

"An American expression. Was he involved romantically...or simply physically with anyone? Maybe one of the women here or at Farrow-Marshall? Perhaps he just hasn't come home yet from a little rendezvous."

Ba'al narrowed his eyes at her. There was the suspicion. He grabbed her arm and ushered her out of the room and into the hall. "What were you doing up so late last night?"

"If you must know, you're not the only one struggling with patience. I went for a swim to deal with some of the...pent up energy."

"This is absurd. Were you with Alpha last night or not?"

"Most certainly not. Your clones make me...uncomfortable. I have no wish to be around them anymore than is absolutely necessary."

He brought a hand up to her throat. "And how am I supposed to trust you?"

Nes took a long slow breath. "You will simply have to trust that it would be foolish to betray you for one night with a copy and I am far from foolish." She moved her hands up his chest. "Ba'al..."

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