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Tessa awoke from the sedative and found herself in the same isolation room Apophis had occupied, restraints holding her to a bed, and an IV in her arm...their arm. She closed her eyes...their eyes again as a weight sunk onto their chest.

Sekhmet was still there.

She looked up to the windows of the observation deck and found Dr. Jackson staring down at her.

"Dr. Frasier, she's awake," his voice came through the intercom system.

The doctor came over, checking monitors as she approached. "How are you feeling?" Her concern so genuine for every patient, friend or enemy.

Their throat felt raw after the screams Sekhmet had pulled from her. "Water," she choked out.

Dr. Frasier motioned to a nurse who came over with a cup of water and straw, helping Tessa lean forward to take a few slow sips.

"Thank you," she told the nurse before leaning back.

"Can I assume you are the host? Tessa James?" the doctor asked as she shined a light into their eyes.

Tessa had to clear their throat again before she spoke. "Yes. She's still here, though." She couldn't hide her disappointment after that one brief moment of hope when she'd awoken.

"Yes, dear. I'm sorry. She's just still unconscious. This sedative seems to wear off in the host first."

Tessa nodded before taking a big gulp of air and looking up at the ceiling, attempting to keep the tears at bay.

"She's going to keep torturing me. Please end it." She had begged everyone for one simple thing and no one would grant her request.

"We're not ready to give up on you. Hold on just a little longer, okay?"

"I'll try." She was allowing herself just these few moments of fear and grief, then she would prepare for the battle again.

Dr. Jackson came flying into the room, nearly colliding with one of the airmen standing guard. He stopped just short of her bed, notebook in hand. "Who is she? What goa'uld is it?"

Tessa hesitated. For some reason, it felt like highly personal information to be trading away, like she'd be losing an edge she'd need later. They were just trying to help, though, right?


Dr. Jackson considered this information for a moment. "Egyptian goddess of war...interesting. When did she arrive on Earth?"

"She was left here..by Ra." Tessa wasn't sure she should share anything else just yet.

"So she's been here on Earth all this time?" He brought his pencil to his mouth, deep in thought.

Tessa nodded in response, feeling her control start to slip away. "She's waking up."

The archaeologist snapped to attention. "How were you able to gain control? How are you fighting her? Please, anything you tell me could help."

Tessa's sympathetic look morphed rapidly into a sneer and her eyes flashed. "Wanting to help your dear wife, Dr. Jackson? I doubt Amaunet would be quite as forgiving to Sha're as I've been with my traitorous host." She smiled sweetly. "You should just forget her. She's dead."

He slammed the notebook onto the end of the bed. "Your host has proven that's not true. She's alive." He took a deep breath and Tessa guessed he was trying to push aside his own personal agenda. "You're Sekhmet."

"I see my host felt the need to share some things while I was asleep." She shook her hair and straightened as much as she could in the hospital bed before shifting into the goa'uld voice. "Yes, I am Sekhmet, goddess of war and healing. Lady of Terror and Lady of Life."

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