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Episode 10.08 "Memento Mori" (bold)

They reluctantly returned to Colorado Springs the next morning with a story of a girls' weekend spent at Sam's house. Nes congratulated the colonel with a knowing wink on her lifestyle now involving a bit more bending of the rules.

Nes found a house that she liked and had it added to her assets, but couldn't bring herself to sell the other home. It held too many memories she wasn't ready to let go of just yet. She got antsy quickly, though, and let Sam know she'd be taking off for a while.

Once aboard her al'kesh, she breathed a bit easier. Still, she needed activity more than anything else and investigating Ba'al's cloning facilities gave her plenty to mentally and physically focus on. Ba'al was no fool in setting things up generally. The compounds would be well hidden, but he would still have power and supply requirements that his lack of territories would make more difficult. Knowing Ba'al as she did, she began looking for any ties to the Lucian Alliance. She hoped he had established, at the very least, a trading partnership with Netan or one of the Seconds.

In the end, she knew she'd need to pay a visit to Anateo again and, with his territories devastated by the Ori, he would likely get over his agitation with her absence quickly. He would know he needed her.

When she arrived in the town where he had his new base and made her presence known, he was quick to seek her out. Nes was unsurprised when she found him sitting in the bar of the inn where she'd taken a room. She approached him with a seductive smile, but he stood in anger and grabbed her by the arm, speaking in a low voice.

"Where have you been?"

"I believe I was quite clear that I had other matters to attend to and the Ori have complicated the situation throughout the galaxy."

He brought his face close to hers. "Yes, they've completely overrun many of my territories. I even went to Netan requesting new planets."

"And where did you expect him to get these new planets for you?"

"If you had been here, I would never have needed to suggest that Netan eliminate one of the other Seconds, Karug."

"Well, my apologies. Would you still like me to get rid of Karug?"

He released her arm. "I'm not sure why I should even take you back."

Nes pulled a knife quickly and pressed the tip into his abdomen as she leaned in closely, keeping his men from seeing anything but a woman making suggestions in their leader's ear. "I was never yours, Anateo. And if you do not wish to utilize my services, there are plenty of other places for me to seek employment." She nibbled his ear to complete the illusion. "Though it's rather apparent how much you've missed me."

He chuckled softly and let a hand settle on her waist possessively. "What payment will you be requiring this time?"

"Supplies as usual, but I'm also in need of information. Perhaps you'll have what I need."

"What kind of information?"

"Why don't we talk upstairs?" She put the knife away discreetly and moved towards the stairs, Anateo close behind, his men snickering, Nes resisting the temptation to put knives in their throats.

Anateo wasn't one to pass up an opportunity and Nes had been slightly more willing to entertain his advances the last time she'd seen him, but she put an end to any hopes he harbored and directed the conversation to business immediately.

"Karug, you said?"

"Netan will know it was me if Karug is killed now."

"Well, then who would you like to eliminate instead?" She tried to keep the exasperation out of her voice, but knew she was failing.

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