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SGA Episode 1.01 "Rising"

Returning to writing her dissertation kept her fairly busy, though Elliot insisted on visiting her still. They'd sit in silence, him waiting for her to speak, her waiting for him to go away. A few weeks of that were beginning to wear her down and she would at least respond to his greeting when he came in. The main focus on the base was the cleanup of Anubis' destroyed ships down in Antarctica, as well as investigating the discovered outpost below the ice.

Eventually Dr. Weir was asked to head up those operations, as they seemed better suited to her talents, and shockingly, they asked Jack to take over the SGC. He debated for a while, but finally took the job along with the promotion to Brigadier General. Nes wasn't sure if this was going to improve her situation, but she expected Jack would give her a bit more trust than Dr. Weir had.

"I'm leaving for Antarctica next week," Elliot said as they sat in silence in the newly promoted Lieutenant Colonel Carter's lab.

"Good." She made the word harsh.

"They've found the address to the Lost City of the Ancients, Atlantis." He paused and she looked up at him. "It's an eight symbol address that's in the Pegasus galaxy."

"Eight symbols? I didn't even know that was possible."

"I'm not sure anyone really did. Except the Ancients, of course."

"So we sending a team?"

"They only have the power to dial the gate once. They're sending an entire expedition led by Dr. Weir." Nes could hear his voice getting strained.

"And you're going." Why did her chest feel so heavy now?

"I only just got offered a spot today."

This is what she wanted, for him to leave her alone, for him to just leave, but she knew that wasn't the truth. She wanted to be with him. She wanted to be who he saw her as.

"But you are going to go?"

"I want to, of course, but...there's a good chance I'll never come back." He kept his eyes on hers.

"Yeah, you've got your family to think about."

"Yeah...Nes...please." He came over in front of her chair and crouched down next to her. "Please stop this."

"You should go, Elliot. You can't turn down this chance."

"Come with me."

She laughed. "Dr. Weir would never allow me to join the expedition."

"You don't know that. You could provide a lot of value to the team."

"But far too much unpredictability, as well." She stood to get away, but he was quick to block her path.

"Nes, don't..."

She tried to sidestep him, her heart racing, but sudden pain in her chest cut off her breathing. Her hand came up to grasp at her heart as the pain radiated throughout her body. Too late, she realized the room was tilting and Elliot caught her arm to steady her.

"What's wrong?" His voice sounded panicked. "Nes, can you hear me?"

The pain began to subside and her body was grateful for the breath she finally got into her lungs. A few more breaths and she stood up straighter. "Yeah. I'm fine." She tried to walk away, but Elliot would have none of it.

"Let's get you to the infirmary."

"I'm fine. Probably just something I ate."

"Good, then they'll clear you quickly. Come on." He put a hand on her elbow to guide her out of the room.

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