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Episode 6.04 "Frozen" and Episode 6.06 "Abyss" (bold)

The research lab in Antarctica had, in fact, found something, but SG-1's journey to investigate had done more harm than good. A woman, possibly one of the Ancients who had built the Stargates, had been frozen down there. They had thawed her and been stunned to find she was still alive, but soon SG-1 and the researchers had become sick. They suspected she had infected them with a virus she carried. The woman, who they had named Ayiana, had been somehow able to heal most of them, but it had taken a toll on her own health, and she had been unable to heal Jack. He was now dying from the disease.

Nes offered to take him back to Lord Yu's palace to use the sarcophagus, but it was deemed too risky with Yu knowing Jack's identity. Nes agreed - there was no way she could get Jack in and out safely.

Nes watched from the observation room as they presented their last option to Jack: a Tok'ra symbiote. Dr. Frasier and Sam were in biohazard suits down below them in the quarantine room.

"I'm administering 0.1 epi. I don't know if this is gonna work."

"Will it hurt him?"

Nes ached to see Sam so concerned

"Can't get much worse." Dr. Frasier stepped away and Sam moved closer to the colonel.

"Sir, I don't know if you can hear me. The Tok'ra have offered you a deal. There's a symbiote that needs a host. They think it could cure you. Now, it may be your only chance. It would only be temporary. It would come out of you as soon as they found another host." Sam looked around at the others. "Sir, are you getting any of this?"

"Carter?" Jack's voice was weak and Sam leaned closer to speak to him.

"Yeah, I'm right here."

"Over my dead body."

Nes wasn't surprised. Jack had made his opinions about all symbiotes very clear and she momentarily wondered what she would choose if it were her lying there. She honestly wasn't sure.

Sam's frustration was apparent, but also her concern for Jack's life. "Sir, the symbiote's host died while they were on a mission."

Nes was impressed with this tactic of appealing to his self sacrificial side.

"The Tok'ra have strong reason to believe that the symbiote has vital information to reveal and this would give him that chance. Now, they promised that if no other host was found within a reasonable amount of time, the symbiote would sacrifice itself rather than stay in an unwilling host. Sir, please."

Jack stared at her for a moment before nodding almost imperceptibly. Sam smiled at Dr. Frasier and then at those up in the observation room. Nes knew she should be relieved, but instead she wondered if Jack would be changed beyond recognition with this decision.

Jack was loaded up and taken through the Stargate to the Tok'ra base to be implanted with the symbiote, Kanan. Nes asked to accompany them, her own experiences making her curious about the implantation process. Part of her wondered if seeing it from the outside would help her make sense of what she'd felt from the inside. Another part of her simply had a sick curiosity.

Colonel O'Neill was very sick and weak by the time they arrived in the tunnels of the new base, so the procedure was done as quickly as possible. Nes watched as the symbiote was taken out of a chamber like the one where Lantash had been kept and she couldn't keep her mind from remembering that day with Elliot. She forced her eyes to remain open as the symbiote propelled itself into Jack's mouth. His head jerked back as Kanan burrowed into the back of his throat and wrapped himself around Jack's spinal cord. Nes felt Sam's arm come around her shoulders and she realized her own hand was covering her mouth, her eyes wide in horror.

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