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Episode 9.06 "Ex Deus Machina"

Nes sat up with a scream, grabbing at her chest, but the holes in her shirt didn't carry through to her body anymore. She was back on the al'kesh, sitting in the sarcophagus, and a Ba'al was leaning against the wall.

"Don't worry. I'm not Alpha." He held up his wrist as he walked over to her and she could see a kappa tattoo. "Come on." Kappa helped her out and rubbed her arms gently. "You shouldn't have angered Alpha. I have Ba'al's more current memories, but back when he created the first clones, he was thinking about you quite a bit. We've all noticed the change in Alpha and Beta since you arrived. Gamma seems to be a bit more in control, though he deliberately left early this morning to avoid you. Delta...guess we'll see when he meets you."

"And the rest of you?"

"We're all a bit more adjusted to our lives as clones and on Earth. I suppose it's the normal progression of the memories coming from Ba'al. Alpha and Beta...they seem to struggle with being copies, not being able to have what Ba'al has claimed."

"And that doesn't worry Ba'al?"

"They're still intensely loyal...mostly." He tilted his head and looked at her. "Everything with you was just still too fresh when they were created, I suppose."

"But you and the others find me completely unattractive."

Kappa smirked. "Say the word and I'll run off with you right now."

Nes pushed away gently and Kappa didn't fight her. "You're all going to get me killed. Again. Permanently." She rubbed her chest where the wounds had been. "So what now? What will Alpha do?"

"My guess is that he'll do nothing. I wouldn't take him on, Sekhmet. Ba'al trusts him."

Nes nodded, deep in thought. Alpha and Beta would be her greatest threats, then, and she'd have to deal with them sooner rather than later.

"Ba'al will be at the house soon to pick you up. We should get you back."

Kappa guided her down the hall and then beamed the pair of them down to the house. She walked to her room nervously, even though she'd been assured that Alpha had left for work. Nes changed quickly into a simple pencil skirt and blouse, admiring her natural elegance in the mirror as she did her hair and makeup. She ran through possible scenarios over and over again, but couldn't decide the best approach. If Ba'al truly trusted Alpha, which certainly seemed to be the case with how much responsibility he'd been given, then Nes may find herself in a simple he-said-she-said situation. And while the other clones had witnessed Alpha kill her, Kappa made it clear that there was some fear of the first copy. They very likely wouldn't support her side of the story.

Alpha had the video of her with Beta, as well, which complicated things. Enough had happened that he could very easily make it look like things had progressed more than they had and with Ba'al's jealousy, she wasn't sure any defense would cut through to his more logical side.

She'd have to play Alpha's game for now, waiting for an opportunity to establish her own blackmail or eliminate him altogether, but she smiled to her reflection. This could be fun. First she needed Ba'al to hand over her ship, though, and that would be her primary goal for the time being.


"Are you hurt, Sekhmet?" Ba'al reached out to take the hand that she'd been subconsciously rubbing along the now healed stab wounds while they sat in a restaurant for lunch.

"Hm?" She looked up from the menu to see a bit of concern on his face. "Oh, no. Just lost in thought." She smiled to ease the tension.

"About anything in particular?" He kissed her knuckles, his fingers stroking her palm.

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