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Episode 9.09 "Prototype" (bold)

With the completion of the remodeling at her house and the upcoming gala where she was expected to be on Ba'al's arm, Nes made a visit to the SGC, wanting to inform them of her soon-to-be public relationship with Emyr Kagan. Ba'al was aware of her attempts to maintain their trust and approved, so she needn't be secretive about it, especially since the Stargate program had altered their communications to block out the Trust's monitoring. Ba'al wanted her eyes inside the mountain, even for only a short period of time.

Sam escorted her down to General Landry's office immediately where she was greeted with extreme suspicion over her restored physical form.

"So you've joined with Ba'al again? We saw you at the press conference with him."

"That's why I went to the press conference. I knew you'd see me."

"So what's he up to besides copying himself?"

"Establishing a business empire, running The Trust...I'm still trying to get deeper to figure it all out. I suspect he has further plans he's not sharing with me yet."

"And you're sure he trusts you?" the general asked skeptically.

"No. I'm never sure about anything with Ba'al, but he hasn't given me any reason to think he doesn't trust me."

Alarms started sounding in the base.

"Unscheduled offworld activation."

"Colonel, wait here with her."

General Landry went down the stairs to the observation room and both Nes and Sam went to the window to look down into the Gate Room. Teal'c and Daniel came through the Stargate, Daniel looking very upset and babbling to the confused general until he said something that changed the entire feel of the room.

"What's going on, Sam?"

"I don't know. We found a young man in stasis on a planet. He says someone was experimenting on him."

Sam was needed, so Nes was assigned a couple airmen as guards and made her way to the mess hall for some coffee while she waited to hear what new crisis had occurred. She decided Daniel would be the best resource and made herself comfortable in his office.

"Nes! When did you get here?" He was distracted and agitated, but still managed to give her a smile.

"Just an hour or so ago."

"You look great. Ba'al must be treating you well." There was an undertone of disdain, but she ignored it.

"Can't really complain. What's going on here? Heard you have a visitor of some kind."

Daniel took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. "We thought he was a victim of some kind of experimentation, but...he's Anubis."

"I'm sorry?" Her skin went cold. "How can he be Anubis?"

"Well, he's not Anubis precisely. More like...his son. Anubis managed to replicate his pre-ascension DNA using a genetic manipulation device on the planet we found. Then, he combined it with human DNA and was able to rapidly grow this Khalek guy."

"Similar to Keffler's experiments?"

"In idea only, I would bet. Anubis had knowledge from the Ancients that he likely used to create him."

Nes could feel her breathing speed up. "So now what?"

"Dr. Lam says her analysis suggests that Khalek is significantly more evolved than we are. Much more in line with the human form of the Ancients prior to ascension."

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