Prologue : Prometheus' Prophecy

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The Titans were celebrating their victory with another big party . They destroyed Mt. Olympus but not before they took everything they could find , from shinny and powerful weapons and jewlery with the prettiest gems to nectar and ambrosia . The once beautiful Olympus is now a bunch of ruins .
Prometheus stood in a corner of the throne room , an empty glass in his hand . He frowned at the other titans who were drinking and dancing everywhere .
I have a bad feeling about this , he thought .
Having the gift of prophecy he knew that this is not going to end well . He put the glass on a nearby table and walked to the throne .
Kronos was laughing and joking with the other titans .
He is drunk , is he not ? Prometheus frowed at Kronos "Lord Kronos ?" he said .
Kronos looked at him "What is it ? Are you here to congrats me on my victory ?" he smiled .
Prometheus sighed "No , I am here to tell you something else.."
Kronos raised an eyebrow "Go ahead then"
"A demigod , the chosen of all gods shall awaken them and banish the Titans to Tartarus.." Prometheus said .
The whole throne room gone silent . Everyone stared at Prometheus , some with fear , others with anger and others about to burst out laughing beliving none of the words he just said .
"Impossible !" Kronos yelled , his voice echoing in the silent throne room "We've killed all of them ! And there's no way a demigod could banish all of us !"
Prometheus looked at him unfazed "Believe whatever you want but you can't denny that you know I'm saying the truth" Prometheus said calmly .
Kronos frowed at him with rage " Such blasphemy will be punished ! To the prison with you traitor !" he yelled then some titans grabbed Prometheus by the arms and started dragging him out of the room . Prometheus didn't try to escape from the titans' grasp . He knew that could happen and accepted his fate .

You can't denny that you know I'm saying the truth , Prometheus' voice echoed in Kronos' head . He frowed .
All around him the party continued .
"What's with that face , Lord Kronos ?" a titan smiled at him "Don't tell me you are thinking about what that liar said !" the titan laughed .
Kronos grabbed his neck then threw him across the room . Everyone gone silent again looking at the now unconcious titan . Then they all looked at Kronos who was now standing infront of his throne "From now on we'll make sure every sign of the gods will disappear !" Kronos announced to the other titans "Their temples will get destroyed and we'll encourage the mortals to forget about them ! If any of them disobeys they'll have the same fate as that traitor Prometheus . And that apllies to any of you too !" Kronos threatened .
Some titans swallowed in fear .
"And how can you make sure all of the mortals obey ? We can't just patrol around everyday ourselves !" a titan said .
"Not us will patrol . Our children will ! The demititans ! We'll chose the strongest ones and create a warband . They will make sure every mortal traitor is punished !" Kronos said grinning .
The other titans cheered and the party restared .

Rhea listened at the door teriffied . She didn't come to the party . She wasn't the type to celebrate her children's death or her horrible husband's victory . Rhea heard all the things they said , the party being extremly loud so she knew everything .

She ran fastly to her chamber and got a piece of paper . She didn't have anything to write with so in a moment of impulsivenes she made a cut on her finger and writted on the paper with the shining ichor .

"A demigod ,
The chosen of all gods
Shall awaken them
And banish the Titans to Tartarus" was written on the paper . Rhea opened a window and threw the paper hoping it could get to the right people .
I can't help them , but maybe this will give them some hope through all the horrible things that will follow , she thought with sadness .

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