Chapter 28 - Beach Day (2)

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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️

This chapter includes mentions of SH (S3xual Harasssment)

And blood... But I feel like blood and death is normal in this story ◉⁠‿⁠◉


Muichiro was sitting alone on the beach blanket, staring at the horizon and the waves the ocean created, admiring its beauty.

"I never imagined that oceans would be so beautiful..." Muichiro mumbled to himself.

Suddenly, he felt like there were two people behind him, staring at him.

Muichiro felt shivers down his spine as he slowly turned his head around.

"... Do you need anything...?" Muichiro asked, confused.

The two boys looked at each other, and then back at Muichiro, smirking.

"Oh, nothing much, cutie. We just were wondering if you'd like to come with us..." One of the boys said, winking. He had orange hair and was wearing simply just his swimming shorts. He was around 168cm tall.

Muichiro blinked multiple times in confusion.

"Why me..?" Muichiro then asked.

"Well, which boy wouldn't want to spend time with a girl as cute as you~?" The second boy said. He was also in his swimming short. He had chestnut coloured hair and green eyes. He was slightly taller than the first boy, around 172cm tall.

Muichiro then realised what was happening.

"...Oh. So it's those sort of guys Genya warned me about." The prince thought.

"No." Muichiro then said coldly.

"C'mon, it's not like we'll take you for too long..." The redhead said.

"Leave me alone." Muichiro said calmly, yet still coldly.

The chestnut haired boy chuckled.

"That's not a choice, cutie." He said, grabbing Muichiro by his arm.

Muichiro gasped and tried to get his arm free, but the other boy held his other hand, making it impossible for him to get free.

"STOP!" Muichiro shouted, desperately trying to get his hands free, but he was unsuccessful. He was being dragged somewhere by the two boys.

Muichiro kept squirming around, trying to fight back. This was like Mukane all over again, but with two creeps instead of one...

Muichiro wanted to cry, realising how weak he was physically... But he got a hold of his emotions.

After a while, the boys threw Muichiro in a place quite isolated from people. Muichiro was terrified.

"Now, cutie, tell us your name." The redhead said.

Muichiro glared at them, getting up from the ground, ready to reveal his secret, just to keep himself safe.

"Eh~? Fiesty, are we?" The chestnut haired boy said, approaching Muichiro.

"Touch me and I'll- MPH-!" Muichiro started to talk, but the redhead put his hand over his mouth...


"Guys, I think we've left Muichiro alone for too long..." Genya said, rubbing the back of his head, slightly sweating from playing volleyball.

"Okay, you go check on him, we'll continue playing here." Mariah said.

"Wow, thanks a lot for assisting me, my dear friends." Genya said sarcastically and chuckled.

Genya went back to where Muichiro was supposed to be, but he wasn't there... The tall male started to look around, trying to see if Muichiro was in the water, but he wasn't there. Genya started to panic.

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