Story Description

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Hello everyone,

This is an updated version of my first book series part 1 on the app but suppose to be placed 3rd on the series A Plus.

I hope everyone like the new version!!


I am a not really new here anymore, blah, blah, blah.

I recently started writing books but not writing on overall cause I am also a screenwritter so.

Please let's be friends 🙌🏾🙌🏾

*******I am turning  22 in a few days, and I'm currently working on my 2 prochain book. The title are: LOD and  WIVGL. The one you are about to read in a few more pages is A+ (Checkmate)

***************Please follow me on tiktok. The username is thekingggg564.

*Also (A+) Checkmate is just a sequel following one of the stories of a screenplay that I wrote. ****My plan is to make is to make them into movies. It is a really cool romance and action book. At least the one that i'm going to post here is action, but the first one that i wrote was just pure romance and mystery.

Please check it out and let me know of the results.


Brayden is a mixed-race boy from a wealthy family; his father, Grayden, is black, and his mother, Grace, is white.

The way I envisioned that tale was that Brayden's mother decided to add some melanin to the family, so that part of the family was no longer all white.
He did, in fact, date Grayden, a Black man who is, to put it mildly, athletic, but he has been acting strangely in the gym for a few days, possibly even months or years. It follows that he is no longer physically the same as he was previously. Anyway and they had Brayden in New York.

Everything was going well for him until the end of his third year at his previous college, where there was a drama. He caught one of his best friends having an affair with her girlfriend, which was the drama. Due to Brayden's wealthy parents, they were released from custody after a fight broke out, but not before the police arrived, arrested both of them, and held them for sixteen hours before ejecting Brayden.

His parents were planning to relocate to a new home in Atlanta and attend a different college, where his first best friend—Danny—was enrolled. The two had been pals since they were young children. Since Danny's family and Brayden's family were close, they were practically brothers.

He's going to fell in love with the most gorgeous white girl on campus, her name is Darcy, and she is a really smart girl who seems to never get a B- for an assignment, or should I say a nerdy girl.

She's in a group of 4 other popular girls, Emma her best friend and the one who's not scared of anyone, Chloe the most popular, pretentious, and narcissistic friend in the group, and Ruby beautiful but shy. And later comes Dora, everyone keeps bullying her famous name.

However, he will soon come to understand that Darcy was only engaging in a game with him that she and her friends invented, just like they did with numerous other students on campus. Things will then take a turn when he learns that his family has a long-standing custom that has been passed down through the generations. As is customary, he will design a game to locate the person he was promised, which he will name A+.

That will not last, though, because after he made this game, more games, difficulties, and danger—a political one that no one has ever faced before—will come knocking at their door. Afterwards, he will need to ascertain what transpired, the reason behind everything that is happening to him, and the best way to get through these obstacles.

(A+) Checkmate Part 1 [Edited Version]Where stories live. Discover now