Part 1

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I watched number 18 on the track and he was good, Jett was getting closer and closer to his brother and he ended up passing him on the tabletop jump. I saw him look back at Hunter while Hunter held his finger up and flipped him off, I sorta laughed out loud and then quickly widened my eyes and looked around.

"What are you laughing at now?" My friend Molly asked, "nothin'." I responded and she just gave me a weird look and went back to her phone while I watched all the dirtbikes exit the track.

"Cmon." I said and dragged her away from the track. "Where we going?" She asked, "back to the trailer." I said and she nodded while swatting my hand away and then running to keep up with me. "Why are you in such a rush?" "I'm not." I said as we approached the Honda trailer, all the sweaty boys were just getting off their bikes and grabbing cold waters.

"Uh oh." Chase said when we made eye contact, I just rolled my eyes while looking and seeing Molly was staring at my brother without his jersey on. I sorta punched her side and then she groaned, "ow Ave."

"Hey Averie." Hunter came over and stood close to me, "what do you want." I said and he laughed.
"No need to be so rude." He said and then gave me a smirk. I paused and then widened my eyes because he gave me the look before he does something, sure enough, Hunter poured the rest of his ice cold water on the top of my head and I heard Jett laughing. "That's fucked Hunter." Chase was dying of laughter and so was Molly, I glared at my brother and then I turned around to see Hunter had already gotten a head start in running away.

Hunter was quick but I was pretty fast too, so I eventually caught up to him. "Hunter imma kill you!" I yelled and tried to catch my breath but then Hunter started running again and I just groaned while sucking it up and chasing him back to the trailer.

Everybody was laughing at us and I jumped on Hunter's back and he collapsed. "Ha fat ass." Chase said and I ignored him while punching Hunter's shoulder so he wouldn't be able to feel it. "God damn woman!" He yelled after I helped him up, "oww you hit like a dude." He mumbled while I was smiling and Jett came over and made fun of his brother. "You just got beat up by a girl." He said, "I wouldn't say beat up." Hunter responded and I glared, "I can beat you up if you want?" I asked and he quickly shook his head no.

"Anyways, what are you guys doing tonight?" Chase asked the Lawrence brothers, "nothin, how about you?" Jett asked and Chase shrugged. "Wanna go grab dinner after this?" My brother asked and both boys nodded. "You two can come also." Chase said and Molly smiled while I just rolled my eyes at the two.

"Lemme race you." Jett asked me and I shook my head no. "Why not?" "I don't have a bike." I said and he nodded to Hunter's 250, "your brother would kill me." I said. "Hunter Averie's gonna borrow your bike!" Jett yelled. "You break it you're buying me a new one!" Hunter yelled back, "you don't buy it anyways." I mumbled and Jett laughed. "I don't have gear or anything." Jett looked at me up and down and then he opened a zipper in his bag. "Might be big but here." He handed me black and white fox pants with a matching jersey, I smiled and went inside the trailer to change, sadly the pants fit tight.

"Woahhhhh." Jett said once I came out of the trailer wearing the gear, "ohhh she looks hot, right Jett?" I heard Molly say and then Jett's face turned red. "He didn't deny it!" Molly yelled. "Gross that's my sister." Chase said and I stuck my tongue out at him, then Hunter came over and handed me the rest of the protective gear. "You're gonna need this, also Chase you got her insurance card?" He asked. "Ha ha." I said sarcastically and then he took his bike off the stand for me and I smiled. "Don't kill yourself!" Chase yelled at me once I started the bike, I nodded my head and then Jett gave me a thumbs up.

We stopped and I looked around to see nobody else here, so if I crash, I won't make a fool outta myself.
"Cmon Averie!" Jett yelled and I followed him onto the practice track. This track was a moto track and so I made sure to go easy because there were a shit-ton of ruts since it was later in the day and people practiced on it earlier. I got a little more comfortable and I shifted and started hitting the jumps more, except I almost over jumped the double and almost died but it's ok.

"Ok we racing now." Jett yelled and I nodded while we both took off and he got the 'holeshot'. I was having a lot of fun and I actually was pretty close to Jett, on one corner, I almost took him out but I ended up almost breaking my leg too! Just kidding. But I was laughing at myself because I can't take anything serious. Jett went over a jump and Hunter pretended to waved a checkered flag, turns out it was my shirt.

"Jett wins!" Hunter announced when I stopped next to him, then I almost tipped over but luckily he caught my handlebars. "Woah I should definitely go pro." I said and he shook his head no.

"Woah you were sending those jumps, you've never raced before?" Jett came up and smacked my shoulder, I felt my jersey stick to me because of the sweat and it was gross. "No I've never raced." I answered his question. "Hmm well I still beat you." Jett told me and messed up my blonde hair.

"Of course you did Jettson." I messed up his hair too and then gagged because my hand was now drenched in sweat. I took my jersey off because I was hot and looked towards the track that I just rode, I couldn't believe I didn't kill myself on that!

 I took my jersey off because I was hot and looked towards the track that I just rode, I couldn't believe I didn't kill myself on that!

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Ave.Sexton- thinkin' about going pro, anyone wanna be my monster girl?
Liked by Jettson18, chasesexton and 673 others

MollyJ.- I'll be your cheerleader bae 😍
   -Ave.Sexton- not called a cheerleader sweets

HunterLawrence- wow no picture creds, I see I see.
   -Ave.Sexton- my bad, thanks for your bike

ChaseSexton- you aren't gonna make it pro, keep dreamin'
   -Ave.Sexton- awww so inspiring

User42- anyone know how this girl suddenly is getting all these comments?
   -User348- she's Chase Sexton's younger sister
     -User42- ohh ok thanks.

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