Part 23

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-skip forward to Thursday-
Chase was driving while Molly and I were asleep in his truck, we had been on the road for a few hours already and we maybe halfway to Detroit.

We stopped at a gas station to fill up and then I went inside and bought a big pack of energy drinks because it was now my turn to drive and I was still so tired. Chase and Molly wouldn't let me turn up the music so I drove in silence while hearing my stupid brother snore.

I decided to call Jett and use one of my airpods so they wouldn't hear our conversation. "Hey aren't you supposed to be on a plane right now?" Jett answered. "No because Chase thought it would be a good idea to drive the 17 hours!" I said and he laughed. "That must suck."

"At least you aren't the one driving." I explained and looked at the map to see we were only 9 hours away now and Chase's dirtbike was still in the back of the truck thankfully.

"Well I'm on the way to the airport right now and it's just me traveling solo." Jett said, "lucky, Chase is snoring and that's like the only thing keeping me awake besides my 3 Red Bull's." He laughed at me.

"Are you gonna win this weekend?" I asked, "hopefully, I had enough practice at the track all week so it better pay off." He said and I agreed cause he was at the track almost everyday.

"Wanna go golfing again?" Jett asked and I tried to smile but I yawned. "Yesssss so I can whoop your ass again!" I said and then laughed. "No I was going easy on you last game." He made up excuses.

"Sureee Jettson." "I'm sure Averie Lane." He mocked me, "well I gotta get checked in since I'm here so see ya tomorrow." Jett said and I frowned. "I love you Averie." "Love you too Jett." I said and hung up, I got off the freeway and I heard Molly groan then smile at me.

"Want me to drive?" She asked and I yawned then nodded, we pulled to the side of the road and swapped seats while Chase stayed asleep. I made sure the bike was still with us then I put some quiet music on my AirPod and fell asleep for the rest of our 9 hour journey to Detroit.

We finally arrived at our hotel near the track and everybody was tired except me, Chase and Molly went to bed while I grabbed my phone and walked around lobby and texted some people back. It was 11pm and so I didn't know what to do because nothing was open, I sat on one of the chairs and started researching more about that college because I realized I could afford it and all.

I could leave for Texas and do their summer school program so that when I came back at the end of the year, I could already work for a company as a photographer and get paid instantly. The only thing is that I would leave behind everything and start all over, Jett, Molly, Chase, the family I babysit, supercross/motocross, I don't think Molly would move with me because of her boyfriend but I wouldn't force her to. This is something I really need to think about, what if I hated it there? Or ended up changing my whole career path?

My phone was about to die, so I went back to our room and laid in my own bed while waiting for Jett's response. I knew he had landed because it wasn't gonna take him 9 hours to travel and his location on snap said active 10 minutes ago at the airport. I turned my phone off and rolled over then tried to get some sleep.

The next morning was a complete shitshow, Chase was rushing everywhere and making sure he had everything while Molly took FOREVER to curl her hair and hugged up the bathroom. I had 5 minutes so I just put on some sweats and a tank top while putting Jett's racing jacket over the top, then I brushed my hair and kept it frizzy because we were gonna be late. Luckily nobody stole Chase's bike and it was strapped down pretty good.

We got to the stadium around 8:10 and Chase quickly found his mechanic and manager then attending some of the conferences and got interviewed while Molly and I just relaxed.

"Morning Ave." Somebody put their hands on my shoulders and I saw the tattoo and smiled as Jett leaned down and kissed me. "Did you have fun driving over here?" He asked and I nodded. "Tons." I said sarcastically and he nodded then got dragged away with his mechanic. "See ya babe." He yelled.

"Awww." Molly said and I rolled my eyes, "you don't need to say that every time." I told her but she shrugged. "You guys are so cute, thanks Molly for getting us together!" She told herself.

"That was not you." I said and she widened her eyes. "Yes it was! I told you to go on a date with himmm." I just nodded even though I didn't agree.

Press day was finally over once the boys came back from their like 8th meeting, "wanna go golfing?" Jett asked and pulled me onto his lap. "Sure." I said and drank some water, "you guys coming?" He asked Molly and Chase, Molly shook her head no while my brother nodded. "I'll drive." Chase said and she groaned.

We made it safely to the golf course and then we paid and got all the clubs from the back of the truck, now I understand why they bring their clubs every weekend.

I used Jett's and Molly used Chase's, Molly actually sucks at golf but it's ok because she makes fun of herself. Jett and I both got the best scores but I didn't want a tie, so we arm wrestled even though he won.

"That's not fair." I pouted, "then I'll buy you dinner." Jett told me and I smiled while Chase drove to a nearby mall, Molly was grinning and Chase rolled his eyes because she was gonna try on 100+ items.

We met up with them and Chase was holding all of Molly's bags while she was drinking her soda and smiling. "You only got that?" She asked and saw my 3 bags, I laughed because my brother was struggling.

Jett told us bye and then we went back to the hotel and Molly did another try-on hail for me, everything she bought was cute, but definitely not my style.

I doordashed a salad while the other two went out to eat, I looked at the food in front of me then remembered earlier when I was trying stuff on and the shirt was tight. I frowned and my whole mood changed, I put the lid back on my salad and then played on my phone and shortly fell asleep on my bed.

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