Part 30

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I woke up from my nap and walked downstairs, everything to do with my dad's funeral was now over and I just slept the rest of the afternoon because that's the best cure to pain.

"You decided to wake up." Somebody said when I walked in the pantry, I rolled my eyes and prayed it wasn't her but when I turned around, it was her.

"What are you even doing here?" I asked and opened the fridge to get some cheese for my crackers. "Averie I don't like this new attitude of yours." I just looked at her and ate my snack.

"To answer your question, I'm staying here for the next 2 days to visit and then I will fly over to Montana to sell your fathers home and trash all of his belongings." She told me and I spit out my cracker.

"YOU'RE SELLING EVERYTHING?" I yelled and she shrugged, "no, you have to let Chase and I go through his stuff, what about Aunt kk?" I begged and my mom finally agreed to let us three go through his stuff before throwing the rest away.

The rest of the night, I stayed in my room because I couldn't stand to even look at my mom, she thought she was going to get away with throwing all my dad's stuff out. I'm not sure about my brother, but I definitely have some things I need to get because I wouldn't be able to let them just disappear.

"Hello?" The person on the other end of the phone answered, "kk!" I said and I could almost hear her smile. "Hey babe what's up?" She sniffled and I explained what my mother was going to do.

"No that's not right, your dad said either one of his kids or I get the house if something were to happen. But don't worry, we'll go through his stuff together soon so all this can be taken care of Averie." Aunt kk explained and I felt relief a little bit.

"Ok thanks for being the best." I said and then said goodbye and hung up then decided to get ready for bed since it was almost midnight.

"Are you gonna go to the track?" Chase asked when I came downstairs the next morning, "is she going?" I mumbled and mentioned my mom, my brother shook his head no and I smiled. "I'll go then." I said and went back upstairs to go get ready.

I walked outside after grabbing a water bottle and then I hopped in Chase's front seat and we waiting in the driveway for a few minutes. "What are we waiting for?" I joked and then he unlocked the doors when I saw my mom walk out of the house with her sunglasses on and her purse.

"You have got to be shitting me." I said out loud when she sat in the back seat. "Morning Chase, Averie." She smiled and tried to talk but I just ignored her and played on my phone while Chase drove us to the track. "We're here." He announced, "Thank god." I mumbled and got out of the truck quickly.

I walked over to the Honda trailer and ran over to give Jett a hug from behind, he turned around and smiled once he saw it was me. "Morning Ave." He said and gave me a kiss. "Ok ok no more of that." Chase said and pushed me off of Jett while my mom laughed. "You guys are so cute!" She said and I glared. "Jett this is my mom Colette, this is my boyfriend Jett." I introduced them to each other and then my mom asked my boyfriend a few questions.

"He doesn't care, let him go race." I said and interrupted her talking, "Averie let me finish, that's rude." I saw Jett and Chase laugh while my mom continued to get after me for my attitude again.

"Ok well Averie's right, Jett get your helmet on." Chase patted my boyfriends shoulder and then I gave Jett a kiss bye while I walked over the edge of the practice track where the boys would line up in a few.

I saw a shadow and then I huffed when my mom stood beside me. "Averie we need to talk." She said in a serious tone and she took off her sunglasses, I look straight ahead and told her to continue. "I know you're mad at me for leaving you awhile back, but I really came here to fix this. I feel so bad that I missed you growing up and getting all your firsts but I'm here now and I was hoping you would miss me too and let me be your mom again?" She asked and I looked at her and almost bursted out laughing but them I realized she was serious serious.

"I'm pissed that you want to sell all dad's stuff, does he not mean anything to you anymore? I mean y'all were married and had a family but you just forgot about him and don't really care to remember?" I asked and looked directly at her, her pale blue eyes were glossy and she had a frown.

"Of course your father means a lot to me except we chose to split because we didn't get along. Everybody has a different way of getting over deaths and I'm sorry I didn't pay enough attention to see your way Averie." My mom apologized and I truly wanted to accept it, but she might run away again and forget all about me so I just shook my head and watched Jett at the gate in silence.

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