Part 36

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All the guests stood up when the song I picked out had started playing, I turned the corner and took a deep breath before everybody's eyes were looking directly at me.

"Here goes nothing." I mumbled to myself and then I started walking down the aisle, Jett and I made eye contact and his jaw dropped. He smiled and that made a huge smile appear on my face and then I almost dropped my bouquet but I didn't.

The pastor said all of the things a person would say at the wedding, we exchanged our vows and then he asked if we do and we both agreed then Jett kissed me and everybody started cheering. We both joined hands and then we walked down the aisle together, at the very end Jett began to tell me something but my ankle totally gave out in my heel and I full on fell into my new husband.

"Oh my god." I said while Jett laughed, "I was saying you look so beautiful, but I would never have thought you would be in a dress especially next to me." He said and I smiled while giving him a quick kiss.

All the guests moved over to the barn and we ate dinner then there were the toasts and my maid of honor, Molly, had to give the absolute best speech ever.

"Okay, woah." She said and then pulled the microphone away from her loud voice. "Ok. My name is Molly, if you don't know me I am basically Averie's sister/best friend and I have known since forever. From our first crushes to our first heartbreak, we have told each other literally everything so carefully Jett, I know y'all secrets!" Molly said and everyone laughed and Jett just rolled his eyes.

"At first I thought Averie was going to hate me when I caught feelings for her brother because that's not something we had ever talked about, but somehow that made us have an even stronger bond and love each other 20 times more. From our first day of school to our last day of highschool, Averie has always been there for me and hell, she fought my sister to be my own maid on honor, they both won." She said and then sniffled and continued.

"I have seen Averie grow up and truly impact my life and help me become the person I am today but this isn't about me, anyone who spends time with her knows she is funny, clumsy, crazy, and a whole lot more things." She said and I saw my mom nodding and agreeing while I just smirked.

"We both have always talked about weddings but I would have never thought I would be standing where I am today, saying this speech." Molly looked at me and she wiped her eyes and tears rolling down her cheeks. "What Jett and Averie have is what she has always dreamed about and they are the perfect definition of the prefect couple. I just cannot say how happy I am for my sister and her future! So cheers to the bride and groom, we all love ya!" She raised her glass and then Jett and I raised ours but then Molly came over and I gave her a huge hug and wiped my own tears away. "I love you Mols."

Chase got the microphone next and he looked down at a napkin and cleared his voice.
"Well I just got told I needed to make a speech for my sister by my mom, so here I am. My name's Chase, I'm Averie's older brother and she absolutely loves me." I just rolled my eyes.

"Anyways. One of the best times of Jett and Ave I remember was when I went inside the racing trailer during a break or in between the races at a track-" Chase began and I looked at Jett and he had a smirked because we both knew exactly where this story was gonna go.

"I walked in on the two of them making out on the couch in the trailer, Averie had not said a thing about them dating yet but apparently they were, I figured that out after I beat Jett up. Sorry about that by the way! Anyways, well once Jett didn't run away after that situation, I realized he was the perfect match for my sister and she somehow deserves him." My brother told the rest of the story and I looked over to see Jett was bright red and everybody else was just cracking up.

Hunter did a speech and then it was time for the dancing, Jett slow danced with his mom and then it was supposed to be my turn for the daddy-daughter one but my wedding planner did not know my dad wasn't with us, so she kept that part in. It was silent for a few moments and I was looked around and Jett whispered my brothers name to me and I looked up to see Chase standing up and walking my way.

Yes, my brother and I danced together but it wasn't horrible, sure he wasn't amazing at slow dancing but I wasn't either so we kept laughing at each other and continuing. That was over and everybody cheered for us and then the dance floor opened for everyone once Jett threw the garter and I threw my bouquet, little Taylee caught my flowers and she ran over to her mom and poor aunt kk just glared at me.

One of Jett's best friends caught the garter and he was all quiet while his girlfriend was hella excited because she thought she was gonna get married soon now.

The rest of the night went by and Jett shoved cake in my face once the dessert was served, "fuck you." I mumbled and he licked the frosting off my cheek. "Love you more Averie." He said and I couldn't help but smile and blush a little.

All the guests had finally left and the whole place was cleaned up so it was just Jett and I left, the dj had already left but Jett thought it was a good idea to play our first slow dance song over again and the two of us just slow danced while there was thunder in the background and the rain came pouring down.

"Averie you have no idea how lucky I am to be here with you right now, you changed my life." Jett said and pulled me out from the barn and the raindrops made me get goosebumps but they disappeared he wrapped his arms around me.

"Jettson I love you so much, you will always be my favorite Honda Boy." I said and then my husband kissed me passionately in the rain and I just fluttered my eyelids and felt like I was finally at peace.

-the end-

-the end-

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