Part 8

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Chase ended up winning the main event and Molly was going crazy, "at least you don't have to sleep with her tonight." I said and Hunter laughed, "aww poor Averie is not gonna survive." He said and I rolled my eyes. "See ya later." He told me goodbye and I waved while Hunter walked into the Honda semi.

I stood outside and waited for Chase and Molly, "Hey Ave." Somebody said and I recognized that voice and got excited. "What are you doing out here alone?" Jett asked and I explained. "Ohh." I nodded.

"Do you like to play golf?" He asked, "sorta, I'm not very good though." I said and he laughed.
"You wanna go to the golf course with me sometime this week?" Jett asked me and I blushed then nodded. "I'd love to." I said and he smiled. "Great I'll text you."

Chase and Molly just came out of the trailer and they told me to hurry up because we were going to be late for our Uber. "Ok well see ya later Jettson." I said and gave him a hug, "congrats on the win." I added and he smiled and thanked me. "Averie hold up!" Jett yelled and I saw Chase and Molly walking ahead a little ways, so I turned around. "Yeah?" I asked, he came over to me and he stopped about a few inches from my face. "Averie I gotta tell you something." Jett said and I got a little scared. "What?" I asked.

"I like you, like I really do." He told me and my eyes went wide, I had to remind myself to breathe.
"Wow um." I took a breath, "Jett I like you too..." I began and then got cut off by his lips crashing onto mine, at that moment I forgot what I was even going to say, my whole life got turned upside down.

He pulled away and he was red, "bye Averie" Jett said, "See ya." I waved back and smiled the whole long walk to the Uber.

"Averie we have been waiting almost 10 minutes." Chase yelled and I just rolled my eyes, "it was barely 5." "What were you even doing?" He asked. "I was saying goodbye calm down." I said and tried not to cause a scene in front of the stranger driving us. "I don't even know what's up with you now." Chase huffed and I heard Molly mumble something. "Well we almost had to leave her ass here." He said and I just ignored him the rest of the ride back to the hotel.

Chase took a shower and then we all went to bed, but I couldn't sleep, I was too busy wondering about my dad. I unlocked my phone to see he replied to my text a few minutes ago.

Dad: Hey A, I just woke up from a long nap and saw your text. Sorry you found out over the phone but luckily I'm not in any pain and the doctors here are super helpful...thanks for checking in on me and hope you have a safe flight either here or home! Take care of you and your brother for me, love you A. 💙

I smiled knowing he was in good hands but then I got flashbacks of earlier when I was crying and when Aunt kk told me the news, suddenly I didn't feel good anymore. My smiled faded and I started to sweat. I quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom and sat there in the dark and started crying, I wondered if my dad was going to even wake up tomorrow morning because he could literally be gone any moment. Then I got a weird feeling like I knew he wasn't going to wake up or what if he knew his body was failing him and my dad was slowly giving up.

I decided to text Jett because he might be able to calm me down.
Me: you up?
Jett: yeah what do you need?
Me: what's your room number?

All of this sudden my hands started to shake and my phone fell out of my hand, I got hot again and my brain was going crazy. I heard someone get up from bed but I ignored it and just sat there while not focusing at all, "Averie?" "Averie!" Chase had turned on the light, he was mouthing something but I couldn't understand, that stupid ringing was back in my ear.

"Averie!" Chase yelled and I was finally able to hear him, we made direct eye contact and tears came streaming down my cheeks again. "Talk to me Averie!" He said and I shook my head no and shut my eyes while burying my face in my knees. Chase sat down beside me and waited for me to talk, I finally picked my head up and took a few deep breaths. I explained the whole story I got told about dad, at the end, I saw Chase's eyes get glossy and he asked me some more questions but I couldn't do it.

I saw the notification on my phone and Jett replied. "Averie!" Chase yelled but I ignored him, I stood up and I was shaking like crazy. "Chase I can't do this!" I yelled back and walked over to the door in the dark while crashing into the walls. "Averie what the hell are you doing?" My brother asked and followed me.

"I can't answer questions! I changed our flights tomorrow to Montana, we have to see dad! What if we visit him later on and it's too late?" I yelled while opening the door, "Hey don't say that!" Chase said back and I shook my head in the middle of the hallway. "It could happen. Chase it's stage 4, there's barely any chance of surviving!" I yelled back and he kept shaking his head. "No. No he's done it once before and it can beat it again." He mumbled and I didn't agree. "Molly's going home while we fly up there." I managed to say and then my knees almost gave out but luckily somebody caught me, but it wasn't Chase.

"Cmon Averie." The voice said and picked me up, I couldn't see who it was because everything was a blur but I recognized the voice and I rested my head again his chest while he held me tight.

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