Part 13

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I got in the passenger seat of Jett's truck and my mascara was smeared all around my eyes and my hair was a mess, I looked at myself in the small mirror on the visor and frowned.

"You're so pretty Averie." Jett told me when he stopped at a stop sign, I looked at him and I just stared.
"What makes you think that?" I asked and my voice was still shaky. "Your gorgeous blonde hair, your brown eyes, the freckles you cover up, the fact you're always blushing, I could go on?" Jett was saying and my heart was slowly healing at every compliment.

"Jett?" "Yeah?" He responded, "are you gonna drive?" I asked and he looked around then laughed, we were still at the stop sign. Jett kept driving but this time his right hand was holding my left hand, I was majorly blushing right now so luckily it was dark outside.

"We're here." Jett said and let go of my hand, I looked out the front windshield to see grass. "Turn around." He laughed and then I looked out the back window and saw we were backed up against a pond. I got out and Jett lowered his tailgate and laid a blanket down, we sat in the back of his truck and watched the stars hiding behind the clouds. It was very quiet and we could hear the crickets chirping but they were calming.

"What is this place?" I asked Jett and turned to face him, "you like it?" "Yes it's beautiful." I said and he smiled. "It reminds me of you." He added and I blushed. We were both looking at each other and making direct eye contact while I was breathing heavy, Jett leaned in closer and I copied him. Our lips landed on each other's and we kissed for awhile. We pulled away and my heart was beating so fast, "Jett?" I asked.
"Averie." He said in the same tone. "Do you like me?" I asked him, Jett paused and then I saw him smirk.

"As a friend?" "Well, more than friends, I think we're already past that stage." I said and he laughed. "Averie Sexton will you be my girlfriend?" Jett asked and I nodded, "yes Jettson."

We kissed again and it sort of turned into a make-out session and then my shirt came off and his did too, but nothing else happened since we just became official. I put my shirt back on and then decided we should get back since it was almost 3, I thanked him again and gave him one last kiss before quietly walking inside the house. All the lights were still off and I made my way up to my bedroom without making any noise and then I quickly fell asleep in my bed.

"Hey Averie!" Chase yelled loudly in my ear so I slapped him with a pillow. "Really?" I groaned and he laughed. "I have been yelling at you for 20 minutes!" He said and I just ignored him while looking at my phone, it was 8 o'clock and I needed more sleep.

"We're leaving in 10 minutes." Chase yelled and I glared while getting up and quickly getting ready, I even put mascara on because now I got a boyfriend so might as well look pretty.

"You're late." My brother said and Molly told me good morning when I got in the truck. "Shut up."
Chase and Molly talked the whole time to the track and I fell asleep again except this time, I got woken up by my brother opening the door I was laying against, so I almost fell out of the car. 

"Asshole!" I yelled and punched my brother on the walk to the Honda trailer, "go flirt with your boyfriend." Chase said and nodded towards Jett. "Ok!" I said and walked over to my boyfriend, he smiled at me and then I followed him into the trailer. "Morning Averie." He said and picked me up. I gave him a kiss and then we sat down on the couch, "did you sleep good?" Jett asked. "I slept amazing Jettson." I laughed.

"Are we gonna tell them about us?" He asked and I shrugged, "yeah but let's not tell them today." I said and he agreed. "Let's get outta here." I nodded while he pulled me out of the trailer, I laughed at myself because I almost ate it on the steps.

"You're so clumsy." Hunter was laughing at me and I rolled my eyes, "Can I use your bike again?" I asked and he nodded. "You know the rules." "I'll buy you a new bike if I break it...yes can't forget them!" I said sarcastically and then went back inside the trailer and put on some of Jett's gear, this time they were too big and I frowned. I can never be satisfied with my looks.

I huffed and then got the rest of my gear on with Hunters help, then I met Jettson over by the track and we raced each other for a few laps but obviously he won. "That's not fair!" I whined and he laughed while smacking my ass. "Really?" I glared and he smirked. "Cmon I'll go easy on ya prettygirl." Jett said and I blushed at the nickname. "Cmon Ave." He smirked again because he knew what he was doing.

We raced and on the last lap, I passed him, I passed Jett Lawrence and won!!! I was screaming under my helmet even though he was goin' easy, I still beat him.

"You suck." I rubbed it in his face, "I was in second gear..." Jett said and I rolled my eyes. "I still won." I said and he laughed. "Yeah you did, good job." He gave me a kiss once I removed my helmet and I smiled while following him back to Honda.

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