Part 14

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We were all sitting outside and the weather was terrible, it was so humid and disgusting.

"Chubs get me a water." Chase yelled and used my favorite nickname, I rolled my eyes but got a water and then chucked it at my brother. "Thanks Averie." He said and I nodded while sitting down.

All the boys talked about the upcoming race the end of this week and I kept zoning out. Jett got up and went inside the trailer after mumbling something and then he shot me a wink and I blushed.

"I'm gonna get a water." I said while walking into the trailer, I looked back to see Hunter and Molly with grins on their face while Chase was looking down at his phone.

"Hey Ave." Jett patted the seat next to him on the couch and I rested my head on his lap.

"Did you have fun losing to me?" I asked and he looked down at me and laughed then kissed my forehead. "Yeah I did." Jett responded and I smiled while he played with my hair and I looked on Instagram, we both yawned at the same time and then laughed.

I closed my eyes while laying on Jett's lap and quickly falling asleep. Someone opened the door and then shut it but I was too tired to open my eyes. I woke up a few moments later and Jett was knocked out, I wiggled out of his arms and went into the bathroom and then decided to go outside so people didn't think anything weird was going on.

Chase was standing with his back against me and he was on the phone with someone so he didn't notice me, I went back into the trailer after not seeing anybody else around.

"Wake up." I shook Jett and his eyelids slowly popped open, revealing his sleepy brown eyes. "What do you want." He groaned and I just laughed, "that's mean." I said.

Once Jett was fully awake, he pulled me onto his lap and kissed my neck. I got butterflies in my stomach and he smirked and kept giving little kisses on my neck and cheek. I turned around and faced him, Jett took his jersey off and I was blushing while staring at his abs. He pulled me closer to him and my lips found his and his found mine while his fingers were getting tangled in my messy hair.

The trailer door opened and I jumped, I quickly went to the opposite side of the couch and looked at Chase. He had to walk in at the worst moment and see Jett and I making out, he paused and looked from shirtless Jett then me then back at him.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?" My brother yelled. I sat there in silence and played with my bracelets then made eye contact with Jett and quickly looked back down.

"Is anyone going to answer my question?" Chase asked and I kept staring at the floor, neither of us spoke up and that was making Chase pissed.

"AVERIE LANE SEXTON TELL ME WHAT WAS JUST HAPPENING BEFORE I WALKED IN." Chase yelled and I looked up at him and but kept quiet.

"Dude don't yell at her like that." Jett stood up, I took a deep breath because he should not have done that. "Then don't fuck my sister in a racing trailer." Chase stepped closer and he was furious.

"Get out Chase." I said and he looked at me then back at Jett, his hand was turning into a fist and I knew shit was about to happen. "CHASE GET YOUR ASS OUTTA HERE!" I yelled and he ignored me, I walked over to the two boys and tried to push my brother out before things got worse.

"You better stay away from her Jett or I will so god beat the living shit outta you!" Chase tackled Jett to the ground and started punching him in the face over and over again. "CHASE!" I screamed as Jett's face was getting all bloody. "YOU'RE GONNA KILL HIM!"

"That's the point, now don't lay another finger on my sister." Chase said and I was beyond pissed. I glared at my brother while he stood up but Jett got up and started punching right back. They were not going to stop, so I went outside and screamed for Hunter.

He came running into the trailer with me and Hunter pulled my boyfriend off my brother and I just stood there and my eyes were getting watery. "Stay with him Averie, I'll keep Chase away." Hunter pushed Chase out the door while I helped Jett to the couch.

"Shit." He mumbled and I handed him a paper towel for his bloody nose so he didn't have to use his hand anymore. "I am so sorry Averie." Jett broke the silence but I just stared at the floor and didn't respond. "Don't do this babe." He said and grabbed my hand, I pulled away and stood up.

"Jett neither of you boys listened to me after I yelled multiple times, I'm honestly more mad at you than my own brother!" I raised my voice and he grabbed my hand. "No Averie, your brother just beat me up and you're pissed at me?" He asked and his voice cracked.

"Yes Jett, I am!" I said back and he shook his head.

"I don't understand you right now." Jett mumbled and I threw an ice pack at him because his jaw was a bit swollen. "Maybe you'll understand better tomorrow." I snapped back and he looked at me while tears formed. "Are you gonna come see me tomorrow or do you need another day to yourself when you've had a whole fucking week because of your dad?" Jett asked in a tone that I had never heard, but it was rude and I stood there in shock. Now tears were streaming down my cheeks, "Maybe I won't visit you tomorrow then. Boyfriends suck." I yelled back and he was about to say something then he sighed.

"Averie I think we need a break." Jett said after a few minutes of silence, I took one look back at him and then I ran outside the trailer and didn't go back in there.

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