Part 24

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The next morning was a lot better than press day, I woke up a bit earlier and then I curled my hair and only burned myself twice. Then I put on my new jean shorts and a white tank, I also grabbed Jett's jacket again because I knew it was gonna be cold plus I needed to return it.

Chase stopped at Starbucks since we left the house a bit early but I didn't want anything, actually I did but I told myself I didn't. We arrived and my stomach growled but ignored it and found Jett.

"My jacket!" He said and wrapped his arms around me, "it doesn't smell like you anymore." I frowned and he laughed while taking his t-shirt off and putting his jacket on. "Wear this then." He threw the shirt at me and I smiled then put it on my shoulder.

Jett and Chase both got ready for track walk and then I held Jett's hand and followed him around, this time the interviewers didn't come up to him so I didn't need Hunter to come save me. That was over and now we just waited for qualifying in a few minutes. Both boys were ready and I smiled and gave Jett a kiss before he rode off with his mechanic, Molly and I walked over and watched them from the sides.

In the 250s class, Jett was the fastest and in 450s, Chase was fastest right before Tomac was about to steal it back. We walked back and it was around 10 and the pits opened at 12 then the last rounds of qualifying were at 1 so we had a little time still.

Jett took his sweaty jersey off and then handed me his HRC jacket once he saw I got goosebumps from the random gust of wind. "Thank you." I said and put it on, it smelled like him again and I smiled.

"Cmon it'll be warmer inside." He told me and we walked in the trailer then sat on the couch. I handed him a water bottle, "you need to stay hydrated!" I mocked one of the announcers from earlier and he laughed.

I answered my phone call and Kourtney asked what I was doing later tonight, "I told you I was going to be out of town again." I said and she begged me. "Kourt I'm in Michigan right now!" I yelled and she just said 'oh' then told me to have a good trip and hung up.

"Oooo you aren't working." Jett said and I rolled my eyes, "I told her this on Tuesday!" I said and he laughed. "Well she didn't remember."

Jett laid his head on my lap and played on his phone, "did you ever figure out your school for this year?" He asked and I paused. "Uh about that..." I began but he put his phone down and looked straight at me.

"Yeah?" I continued, "the photography class I want to take is in Texas." I said and he sat up, "so you aren't gonna apply for it?" "Well I don't know, I could do the summer school and be done by December?" I explained but he frowned. "What about a college in Florida?" He asked.

"I looked but they didn't have the class I need to work for Supercross I don't think." I said and Jett had a frown on his face. "Averie you realize it's April and summer school would start in a May for college?"

"Yeah I know." I mumbled and played with my bracelets, "but I could come back and everything will be fine, plus we could visit each other often." I said and he gave me a half smile.

"Anyways I'm not fully sure..." "Well if you want to do it, then you should do it." Jett said and looked at me.

Molly opened the door and told Jett the pits were about to open and she kinda ruined the moment, "ok thanks." He said back and then smiled at me. "Well let's go out there." Jett pulled me out of the trailer and I felt bad know that I told him, I really didn't want to leave him in a month.

The next hour passed and Jett was all ready for the last part of qualifying, I smiled and waved as he blew a kiss. "You told him huh?" Molly asked on our way inside the stadium. "How'd you know?" I asked.

"Chase told me and I sorta heard you guys talking." Molly said. "But I just can't leave you guys." I explained and she nodded. I decided to ignore that topic for the rest of the day and focus on Jett and winning, he had the fastest time in both qualifying so he's got a good gate pick for tonight.

supercrosslive- Jett kissing the trophy tonight after being fastest qualifier of 250s this morning

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supercrosslive- Jett kissing the trophy tonight after being fastest qualifier of 250s this morning.
Liked by chasesexton, Jettson18 and 2,368 others

HunterLawrence- more like @Jettson18 kissin' @Ave.Sexton
  -MollyJ.- he was looking right at her too.
     -Ave.Sexton- 👀

AustinForkner- Nah I got tonight's race
  -Jettson18- we'll we see about that bud.

-view all 289 other comments-

It was finally time for all the fans to go in the stadium, I gave Jett a kiss goodbye then told him good luck while he rode off. Molly and I stood on the side along with all the Honda mechanics and waited for all the riders to line up. Tonight was triple crown so there was 3 250 races and 3 450 races. The night was over and Jett won overall and Chase won the first 2 but then Tomac won the last one. All the boys got their trophies and took pictures, then sweaty Jett came over and gave me a kiss.

I agreed to spend the night with Jett in his hotel room but he didn't have a car, so we made Chase drop us off. We were both sitting in the back of his truck and I was giggling at something Jett showed me on his phone, "you guys better not be celebrating already, this is my truck." Chase said and Molly slapped him while I turned bright red but it wasn't noticeable, Jett snorted and I laughed.

"I'm being serious, I don't want no babies made in the back of my damn truck!" My brother said and he was just embarrassing me at this point. "Shut the fuck up and drive." I told him and then Jett scooter over and I laid my head on his shoulder and huffed while closing my eyes.

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