Part 11

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One the first hole, I did terrible but Jett did pretty good. He was joking around and giving me a hard time until the 5th hole, I got a hole in one and I started screaming while Jett's jaw dropped.

"How you like that Jettson?" I asked and he rolled his eyes, "pure luck." He said and I laughed.
"Yup I guess my high school golf years do come in handy." I told myself and he raised an eyebrow, "you played golf in high school?" "Yup, all 4 years and I was the best outta the boys and girls." I added.

"Wow impressive." Jett said and I bowed, "thank you."

We finished playing and I smoked Jett's ass, he claimed he was going easy on me but I just think he was scared to admit I beat him in something. "Fine you want real competition, race me on the track?" Jett asked. "That's cheating 'cause that's your career." I whined and he mocked me. "Yeah yeah whatever."


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Ave.Sexton- smoked @Jettson18's ass in a game of golf today
Liked by chasesexton and 957 others

Jettson18- I was goin' easy on you, don't get too cocky.
   -Ave.Sexton- awww poor Jettson can't admit he lost.
     -HunterLawrence- you are so right 😂

AustinForkner- thanks for the invite 🙄
   -Ave.Sexton- Sorry bud 😛
     -chasesexton- I didn't get one either 👹

User1269- so are they dating or just friends?
   -User456- I'm pretty sure just friends since nothing's confirmed...

MollyJ- of course Jett needed his Starbucks 🤩
   -Ave.Sexton- he's a little grumpy without it...
     -Jettson18- 🖕🏻

"Want lunch?" Jett asked me after we laughed at the comments on my post, "nah I'm ok, but you can." I said and he looked at me then just shrugged and drove to a sandwich place and ordered his food to-go since I said we could go back to my house.

Jett ate his food while I drove his truck and he was so dramatic, "watch out for that car Ave!" Jett yelled at me when I was merging over. "Oh calm down ya baby, that car needed to either speed up or slow down." I said and he tightened his seatbelt and I flipped him off. "Watch the road!" He said and I looked forward and then laughed at myself. "This is why I need to drive everywhere..." Jett mumbled and I glared at him while looking forward.

We made it back to the house and Jett thanked the lord we didn't die. "Calm down, you're worse than Molly." I said and he just rolled his eyes. We walked inside and nobody was home, Jett threw his trash away and then we went upstairs to my bedroom.

"Sorry about the mess, Molly was making me try everything on." I said and kicked my clothes over, he laughed and then held up a spaghetti strap. "Try this on." Jett said and I nodded, then he pick up some jeans and I put those on too but they were the ones that were almost 2 sizes too big.

"Averie?" Jett asked and I already knew where this was going, "yeah?" I responded. Jett stood up from my bed and he walked over, he made me spin around and he saw how big my pants were then he softened.

"Averie what's going on?" He asked and I avoided eye-contact. "Tell me, I'm gonna figure out one way." Jett said and I sighed because I knew he was right. "I lost weight." I said and he nodded, "I can tell."

"No I mean I've lost a ton of weight because I haven't ate since last week." I mumbled and Jett paused, his smiled turned into a frown and then he pulled me into a hug. "Why?" He asked and held me tighter.

"I don't know, I just. I didn't like how I looked so I tried to change it but after my dad died, I sorta forgot about food and here I am now." I explained and he never let go of me.

"Averie you look perfectly fine, I don't understand why you have a hard time believing you're pretty." Jett said and that made me sad hearing that from him. "There's just many more girls out there-" He was about to interrupt me. "And I thought you could never like someone that looked like me." I finished and Jett frowned. "Averie I think you are beautiful and why would you change yourself for a guy." He told me and I shrugged my shoulders. "I dunno." I mumbled.

"Thanks for telling me." Jett said and I half smiled, "yeah." "So you haven't eaten in over a week?" He asked and I slowly nodded.

I heard someone sneeze outside my door so I quickly got up and opened it, Molly was sitting against my wall and she looked so sad. She looked up at me, "you didn't eat lunch yesterday?" She asked.

"Mols I'm sorry." I said, "no you lied to me, I'm trying to help you get back on track but you lied! Twice!" Molly shouted and I stood there, she wasn't wrong- I was a terrible friend and I lied to her.

"Not only you threw my food away but you said you ate on Tuesday, Averie it's Friday and you haven't ate since last Friday. That's not normal and I was trying to help you! I don't want you to have problems and end up in the hospital also!" Molly yelled and then she ran off with tears in her eyes, I stood there with a frown and then my heart sunk while turning around to see Jett with wide eyes.

"Was that bad?" I asked and he sorta laughed, "well she's pissed." He said and I nodded.
"Cmon, I'm taking you out to eat and you will eat the whole meal." Jett said and I shook my head no.

"Not today." I groaned. "We're going to sushi." Jett grabbed my hand and he drove to the restaurant.

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