Part 29

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It was the morning I didn't want to happen, I put on my black dress and left my hair straight. I put some mascara on but I knew I was going to cry it off anyways.

Chase was downstairs and he half smiled when he saw me, "you ready?" He asked and grabbed the truck keys, I shook my head no but followed him anyways. We parked at the cemetery and I saw a crap ton of people all standing there, I reminded myself to breathe before getting out of the truck.

I didn't even know half the people surrounding my dad's casket, but I did recognize aunt Kk so I walked over. She was wearing a black jumpsuit and sunglasses but I saw tear stains underneath, I reminded myself not to cry and just keep breathing.

"How you feeling babe?" Kk whispered, "like shit." I mumbled and she frowned while giving me a side hug, I stood there until the pastor arrived, then I sat in between Kk and Kourtney with Taylee on my lap.

The pastor was talking and I kept zoning out and I held all my tears in until I leaned forwards a bit and saw Chase crying right next to Molly, that's when the tears escaped.

"Your tear hit me." Taylee turned around and whispered to me, I tried to smile but she just gave me a hug instead then faced forward and watched the pastor. He prayed and then all the guests were invited to the church around the corner for lunch, "I'll be right back." I told Kk and Kourtney but Taylee wouldn't leave my side. "Ok girl c'mon." I said and picked her up then walked over to Jett.

"You holdin' up babe?" Jett asked and I nodded while giving him a hug, "her tear hit my hair." Taylee patted her head and he looked at me with a frown because I just lied. "I hate it here." I mumbled and he just gave me a kiss on the head and tried to comfort me.

"Can we got get lunch?" Taylee asked me, "why don't you go ask your mom Tay." I set her down and she nodded and walked away.

"Baby you can tell me anything, no need to lie." Jett said and I frowned. "I wasn't crying but then I saw Chase and I- I just lost it. Jett he needs to be back, I can't live without knowing he's-" I was about to finish but I saw her. She was walking with Chase and Molly over my way and she had a half-smile on her face.

"Averie?" "Yeah let's go get lunch." I said and quickly looked back at him, he shrugged then followed.

I sat with Kk, Kourtney and her kids, Jett, Hunter, and Cynthia. I had nothing for lunch because I couldn't get myself to eat, I noticed every thing about that woman. She was wearing jeans with a black poofy-sleeved shirt and heels, her hair was curled and she had barely any make-up on but she still looked gorgeous.

Her eyes scanned the room and then she looked directly at me, I quickly looked away but knew it was too late. "Averie?" Somebody said and I zoned back in, "sorry." I apologized and saw my mom had disappeared.

"Where are you going to school?" Cynthia asked and I sorta laughed, "I'm not sure, I've narrowed it down." Jett looked at me, "either a college around here or one in Texas, I'm meeting with somebody next week at a college that's 30 minutes away from home." I said and my boyfriend smiled.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, be back." I walked away. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror while cleaning up my smudged mascara underneath my lashes. "You look gorgeous babe." Somebody said and I got spooked because I was the only one in here, I thought.

Of course it had to be her, we made eye contact and I didn't glare but I didn't smile.
"It's been awhile huh?" I asked and looked down at my phone, "yeah sorry about that, shit has been happening all over." She tried to joke but I didn't look up. "Averie what's wrong?" She asked and I huffed.

"What's wrong? Well first off you text my brother and not me, second, you show up and now you want me to talk to you like nothing has happened or you haven't forgotten about the past years of my life! And third, you think your life was hell, try mine!" I yelled and she frowned but I walked outta there before hearing her response.

"Averie Lane get back over here!" She said but I ignored her, "don't ignore me!" "AVERIE LANE SEXTON!" My mom raised her voice at me, I stopped and everybody else did too apparently, everyone was either looking at me or my mom and I was so embarrassed.

"Sorry, Sorry!" My mom said, "sorry just a little misunderstanding, get back to your meal people." I rolled my eyes. "You missy get over here." She grabbed my wrist and I slowly followed while we went outside.

"What?" I asked, "what is wrong with you, what happened to the Averie that was always happy or the girl that was fun to actually be around since she didn't have an attitude." Mom said and I took a deep breath.

"That 'girl' grew up and she only has an attitude to the people who don't leave her when she needed somebody the most. Most moms don't leave their kids, especially a 14 year old." I said and she frowned.

"You saw how your dad and I got along, we needed to split." "And lose all connection to me?" I asked. "I'm sorry but I needed to be there for my sister, her son had killed himself and she had nobody!" Mom said and I just nodded and walked back inside, my mom cared for anybody except her own family.

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