Part 17

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Press day was pretty boring but luckily it went by fast, Kk took Chase and I out to eat afterwards and then we crashed my brother's hotel room and sadly there was only 2 beds, so I shared with my aunt cause I was not gonna share with my brother.

The next morning was supercross, I woke up and put on some baggy jeans and one of Chase's old Honda tank tops. Aunt kk curled my hair and it made my outfit look 20x better.

"Ok let's go." Chase said and he drove us to the stadium in his rental car. We got there and all the stadium workers were already setting up stuff inside and the supercross people were already halfway done with fixing the track for qualifying.

"Hey guys." Hunter said when he saw us all walk over, I smiled and he gave me a side hug but I saw Jett glaring, so I glared back. "You ready for qualifying?" I asked Hunter and he nodded. "I have a good feeling about today." He said and went back to the mechanics and his bike.

Aunt kk disappeared again and so I sat there while some of the boys were adjusting things on their bike. It got hot really fast and so I went inside the trailer and grabbed a water bottle, I also sat down and looked at my phone for a few minutes.

"So you still gonna meet me after tonight?" Jett asked and came outta nowhere. I looked at him real quick and nodded then focused back on my phone, I haven't thought about anything between the two of us if I'm being honest. I really do like Jett except everything is so confusing and now it's awkward but I don't want it to be. Everything just needs to go back to how it was before my dad died and when Jett was still my boyfriend, also when Chase didn't hate me and we sorta got along- now my life is just hell.

"Averie?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to see Jett sitting beside me, I looked at his in the eyes and then quickly looked away because my heart started beating fast. "Are you gonna answer my question?" "Sorry what'd you say?" I asked and he frowned.

"Never mind. Anyways I'm gonna go back outside." Jett said and got up, his hand sorta brushed against mine and I got instant chills. Maybe I should think about us again, I want to run back to him the second we make eye contact anyways...don't be stupid Averie.

"Where were you?" I asked once Kk returned, "I found Chase's friend Roczen, he remembered me from last time!" She said and I nodded. "Anyways what's going on between the two of you?" She asked and looked from me to Jett and then back to me. "I don't know, I'll know more later." I said and she smiled.

It was time for qualifying so Kk and I walked into the stadium and we watched, this weekend it was the East 250 class racing so Jett wasn't racing. He stood on the side and I realized the whole qualifying, I was looking at him and not the actually bikes, why?

"I figured out one of my friends is here, will you be ok while I find her?" Kk asked and nudged me, I sorta jumped but then nodded and looked back on the track to find Jett while my aunt left. Jett wasn't there anymore and Hunter was getting interviewed while a lot of other fans cheered, I sat in the stands and just looked around because I didn't know what to do.

"Oh my god!" "Can I get a picture?" "Jett!" I heard all the girls screaming around me, I just kept looking at my phone while the 450s started. Someone sat next to me and I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Jett Lawrence smirking while looking forward.

"I saw you looked lonely." He said over the crowd, "I'm fine thanks." I replied and he chuckled.
"Cmon lets get outta here." Jett told me and stood up. "No I'm waiting for my aunt to come back." I said and he shook his head, "she's standing with Paige on the track, you are not waiting for her." Jett said and I just huffed and he offered his hand. "No thanks I can walk by myself." I spat and he just smiled while we walked past all the people fan-girling over Jett.

"Where are we going?" I asked once we got out of the stadium, "you'll see." He turned around and smirked while I just rolled my eyes and got in the Uber. Jett showed the driver a location and then he started driving. "I thought I wasn't supposed to talk to you until 10?" I asked, "well I couldn't wait."

"Here's your location." The driver announced and interrupted Jett's and I's little argument. "Thank you." I said and got out of the car, I looked behind me and saw a sandwich place with the same name as the one in Houston. "Wow real funny." I mumbled. "Cmon your hungry right?" Jett asked and I just laughed to myself because this guy really took me to the same place as our first date.

"Order whatever." Jett pushed me towards the counter and I ordered. He paid for me even though I wasn't gonna let him but he insisted, "want mtn dew?" He asked me and I nodded while finding a table.

Jett sat down across from me after getting our food and then there was all sorts of questions.

"Did you think about us?" He asked and I just looked at him while eating my salad. "Yeah." I said and I saw his mood change, "what's that mean?" "Well I really do miss you..." I began and Jett smiled.

"Anyways, if we get together, then we can't fight or take anymore breaks. Plus we tell each other everything." "I think that will work out." Jett said and I nodded. "But we still need to talk after tonight." He reminded me and I kinda got nervous, what if somethings wrong? Nah don't overthink it Averie.

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